Or I should say, back on The Ice Trail and back on The Birding Trail! With the "warm up" I was keen to get out the door and stay out for awhile. The warm up is all relative, -19C with a windchill of -24C (for my United States friends -2.2F with a windchill of -11.2F) is considered warm these days. My only concern was getting safely to and from my play locations on somewhat slippery sections along busy, major thoroughfares.
back on The Ice Trail
I wish I could attach a feeling to this story! The river scenes, the etching sounds, the skating motions, the ice views, the bird songs, all packaged together afforded me a most joyous morning filled with good feelings of all kinds! The ice had not been swept nor flooded, there was no need for it. A very light sprinkling of sparkly snow was scattered here and there along the ice surface. The crystals were dazzling when the sun hit them.
For the first fourteen of the 14.5 kms I covered, no one else was skating.
On mornings like this, I like it like that.
🎵"In restless dreams I skate alone!"🎵
The cold muffled all sounds.
I could not hear the trains nor the planes nor the close by workers.
I could here the slight sound of my etchings
and the rejoicing sigh which I.....
🎵"Whispered in the sound of silence!"🎵
I wish I could attach a feeling to this blog post!
I can though, share my thoughts!
on The Birding Trail
With the warm up I was raring to get back on The Birding Trail! Like I mentioned in my skating story above, "warm up" is all relative! I needed my "heatwave gloves" to keep my hands and fingers warm yet they were bulky to snap shots with. I missed a few good photos due to that but I was very fortunate to see some sweet sights this morning and scored good shots of them. I picked Carburn Park as it had been awhile since I ventured there plus I was curious to see what the Bald Eagles were up to.
Well, they were up there, up in their nest! I was so happy to see them at home! They were busy building! I believe the male is on the left and the female behind to the right. The one at the front kept flying off and bringing back branches. They worked together to place them in special spots.
flying off to collect a branch
The Black-capped Chickadees were busy dee dee deeing about!
I am in awe of how they survive the cold temperatures, they are such tiny bundles of sweetness.
This is one of the 17 or 18 Trumpeter Swans that have been here for many many weeks. There seem to be just as many Juveniles as there are Adults. I like how the droplet of water is falling from the edge of this Adult's beak. The droplet even shows up in the reflection.
a male Common Goldeneye
those red feet are busy paddling away
a male Redhead
the sunshine made his head glow
The last time I was here, the porcupine was not out of its home, which is the hole underneath it. I was happy to see it was out sunning itself this morning. What I was not happy to see was......
.....when it lifted its head! I thought what the heck am I seeing!
When I realized those were teeth, I skedaddled out of there.
You can see an eye at top left of the face.
I did not skedaddle when the deer showed me its teeth! This was a youngster nestled beside its Mom to keep warm. You can see the frostiness on its fur and around its nose and whiskers. I could see their breath when they breathed but the camera did not pick it up.
Yesterday and today were the "warm up" days, the best days to be "out & about".
We are back to cold tomorrow and for a few more days after that!