Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Blue Monday January 20, 2025

On this "Blue Monday" rather than getting caught up in everything that makes it be a bad "Blue", I opted to take a route offering a brighter shade of blue! Knowing the conditions for skating at Bowness would most likely be enjoyable, I could not wait to get out the door.  I did not want to wait for the -22C (-7.6F) to reach -3C (+26.6F) which was to occur by noon time.  Upon arrival, I noticed the skating surface had been swept but not yet flooded.  The Ice Man began working his magic shortly thereafter.  The above photograph shows The Lagoon. This photo is along The Canal.

I don't know what to call this circular stretch!  
It's not The Ice Trail, nor The Lagoon, nor The Canal!

a long shadow on this Brighter Shade of Blue Bird Sky Monday

This is what it looks like when not being able to wait to get out the door 
and preferring to skate when it's -22C and not -3C! 

This is what 15.2kms of skating looks like!  

To add a touch more brighter shade of blue to the day, I finished knitting these children's sized mittens. They were sitting on the side burner for a couple of days, a thumb just needed to be stitched and cast off.  This is 6th and last pair of mittens I plan to knit for now.  More may come later!  

What also brightened my day was completing the first youngsters tube slipper sock!  This is a skein I did not use when kitting the blanket last year.  The bulky acrylic yarn is ideal for this project, I hope there is enough left to finish the second one. These will be added to the other items to drop off somewhere.   

I hope there was a brighter shade of blue tucked into your "Blue Monday"!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

what life looks like lately

Nose Hill for the Full Wolf Moon
After admiring the Full Wolf Moon that evening out my front door then gazing up at it early the next morning from my back deck, the desire to chase it became inevitable.  I had no intentions of going down that route this year but following the full moons last year brought much joy and I have capacity to entertain even more joy!  There it is, the Full Wolf Moon as seen while the sun is rising behind me.  The sky had that cotton candy look and the full moon shone brightly in it!  It was dark as I began ascending the Hill.  When it became light enough, I got my camera ready for whatever may offer a photographic opportunity.  The coyote came out of no where and that was a great opportunity to start snapping.  The Full Wolf Moon began to set over the far off hills in front of me as the sun shone brightly behind me!

Carburn Park for the Bald Eagles
It was time to see how one of my investments was progressing!  I was happy to see the two Adult Bald Eagles sitting at their nest high in the tree across the Bow River.  One was busy flying off and returning with branches.  They continue to build up the old nest from last year where their eaglet was born and raised.  Soon the mating ritual will begin if it has not already.  I will be keeping my eyes and ears open as I always do when I am here and today doing that afforded me other great sights.  Both the Great Horned Owl and the Porcupine were sleeping.  The screech and crack I heard was the Eagle trying to break off a branch, it was unsuccesful in this attempt. I am fully invested in monitoring these Bald Eagles as were others who were admiring them along with me.

Bowness for the Ice 
With the spring-like weather the city has been experiencing, I wondered would it be worth it to drive to Bowness for a skating session.  This day was to be the coldest of the next few days yet still above freezing.  The marker on the chart was set at "rough ice", it did not appear to be rough enough to deter me from lacing up and gliding away.  I went for it and ten kilometres later I felt fulfilled! I skated mainly on The Lagoon.  I did venture down The Canal before the Ice Man made his way there and it was quite nice. Once he appeared, I gave him a wide berth so he could work his magic and I returned to The Lagoon.  I did try The Canal again once he moved on over to The Ice Trail.  The flooding was not freezing and it was like skating through slush.  I will wait until the coming weekend to skate again, that is when the Polor Vortex is forecasted to arrive for a few days.  

Inglewood for the Birds
Solid ice covered the entire route all around The Sanctuary.  If it was flat and smooth then skates would have been the perfect mode for movement.  Spikes were a necessity!   I am making an assumption that this is the reason very few reports from this location are being posted on e-Bird.  It was a most gorgeous morning temperature wise which made it pleasant to just stop, stand still and watch the comings and goings of the birds.  A flock of Common Redpolls were feasting causing bits and pieces of seeds to fly everywhere.  The White-breasted Nuthatch collected a snack to feast upon.  The Northern Flickers were calling back and forth to each other, are they beginning the mating ritual I ask?  The male House Finch glowed brightly in the morning light.  It was good to see the Mountain Cottontail out & about and I was happy to have a beautiful morning to be out & about!

2026 Calendar for Painting
Throughout last year, as I created the 2025 Full Moon Calendar, I was already contemplating the enjoyment a similar project would bring in 2025. I am liking my 2025 Calendar, it is on my fridge where I see it many times each day.  I have been brain-storming and this is what transpired from doing so.  I want to create a calendar for next year with a watercolour painting of some sort for each month.  The title may be "nurtured by activity".  I want each month to contain words. I want each month to contain sporting equipment. I want the project to bring a variety of types of fulfillment.  The painting I used for my recent Lake Louise adventure offered fuel to the path I want to take with this calendar.  January and February are complete.  I know nothing more right now, this project could evolve in ways I don't realize at the moment. I will just let the ideas flow!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Between skating, birding, walking, mooning (I was not going to pay attention to the moon this year but I can't help but do so), painting and the usual life's happenings, I have been fitting in time for knitting. The craft is bringing much joy and fulfillment.  It's keeping my mind busy and my fingers nimble.  I will share here what I have accomplished so far this year.  

The large mittens on the left I knitted for myself and completed them before year end.  The pair beside them were knitted with the left over yarn. They will be dropped off somewhere with a few other items.  I debated whether to do so because they contain a few mistakes which I did my best at correcting. I believe these small mittens could be put to use.  

These are fingerless mittens!  They are for birding, I can wear small gloves underneath them so I have the use of my fingers to operate my camera.  They aim to keep my fingers and hands warm and happy.  I find warm gloves too bulky to be snapping shots at a split second.  The pattern for these was a mish-mash of two other patterns with a little bit of my own idea thrown in.  

while birding with black gloves underneath
(need muted shades so not to scare the birds)

while out chasing the Wolf Moon 
(it's actually well before sunrise but my flash went off)

I have yarn left over from when I knitted the blanket a year ago.  One mitten is complete and once the other is knitted, this pair will also be dropped off somewhere.  Size-wise they land in the middle of the two pair in the first photo at the top. 

When I knit the blanket a year ago, I originally started with this yarn then realized it was too light weight for a blanket.  It is becoming a scarf that along with the mittens will be dropped off.  A few more rows and it will be a perfect size for a youngster.  The blue yarn in the middle is marking a hole that I need to go back and fix.

I am waiting on delivery (early next week) of the proper knitting needles! 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Lake Louise January 9, 2025

today’s recreation of my watercolour painting 


Down Upper Tramline, up Moraine, across Fairview is my favourite loop to Cross Country Ski and that’s the plan for today.  The groomed trail starts at the far end of the Lake Louise Parking Lot. From the start I could see the snow pack was low yet the level was sufficient for grooming and skiing.  No one else was parked here and it appeared no one else had skied this track yet this morning.  It was -12C with a feel of -19C to start. I bundled up, had a hot beverage in my pack along with my bear spray because you never know!  

 view while gradually gliding down Upper Tramline 

view ahead while slowly skiing up Moraine 
somewhere further along would be my turn off for Fairview

seeing the turnoff for Fairview through the trees

After a few minutes of herring bone maneuvers up a couple of steep hills, then the magic happened throughout the meadows.  It’s along this four kilometres stretch that took me forever to ski.  There is so much to see and savour.

There is even an opportunity to settle in and savour the sights while sitting on the “snowfa”!  Avid skiers who frequent this track build the snowfa each year.  By the time I arrived, the sun was shining on the area.  It helped having ski pants on when I settled in.  I did have my blowup thermarest in my pack but did not bother with it.

view while sitting on the snowfa 

perfect spot for a few sips
(It surprises me how clearly my camera picks up every sound.)

looking back at the snowfa as I glided away

view in front of me as I continued along Fairview 

What do those tracks belong to?

As I neared the end of the meadows and headed back into the trees, I took one last look back. 
My hat blends in with the tall snow covered trees! 

The sun sets on another day in this little piece of paradise called Lake Louise!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Lake Louise January 8, 2025

The painting project above was done before going to Lake Louise. While in this little piece of paradise, I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to see, what I wanted the trip to be and what I hoped I would feel!  This is what it looked like when I recreated the view from my watercolour painting!


After capturing the photograph below, the only thing left to do was clip into the cross country skis, grab the poles then glide away.  The track had been groomed the day prior.  Flurries fell over night.  No one had skied here yet today.  The stars aligned for a terrific track and sweet sights! The sound of my skis sliding along the tracks paired with the feeling of my heart beating was meditative.  The further I went, the more energized I became! From gliding through the open meadow to maneuvering along between the tall trees, I cherished each second at every single spot.  

I received in tenfold what I went looking for today! 
 It was time to take one last look back!

After capturing this photograph, the only thing left to do was 
glide away back to my vehicle, drop the poles then clip out of my cross country skis!