Friday, December 27, 2024

some seasonal sights

Things that remain constant are making time to treasure the gifts of nature, delight in the bonuses from continuing to learn, relish in the rewards from being active and cherish the Spirit of this Season no matter what may cross your path in life!  Through it all, the "key to my heart" always opens!  While my eyes were fixing for a few seconds on Christmas Tree decorations, they lingered longer on the decoration I purchased in June at a craft store in Neustift im Stubaital, Austria.  I noticed these German words reflecting in the bauble to the left.  I then took time to reflect!

treasure the gifts of nature

there is wonderment in both our eyes

Christmas morning crescent moon

delight in the bonuses from continuing to learn

I finished knitting the "Northern Lights" scarf! 
This was my first time ever knitting a scarf, I am delighted with the outcome.

Time came to begin knitting a third pair of mittens.  
I wanted to learn a new pattern for the cuff.  
More delight to enjoy! 

relish in the rewards from being active

December 24 skating The Ice Trail

December 25 skating The Ice Trail

that's a Bald Eagle flying over the trees on the right

December 26 skating The Ice Trail

cherish the Spirit of this Season no matter what may cross your path in life

My brother will always be by my side even though he suddenly and unexpectedly passed away nine years ago on December 24th.  I cherish this photo of us at Christmas when we were wee.  He made a difference in this world for many.  He continues to add value to my life in ways unexpected! 

receiving the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal

a 2015 "Nova Scotian Crystal" Christmas Ornament 
with an angle on top and his wings are made of Nova Scotia tartan

Spirit of the Season 
sights, sounds, tastes 
are still to be savoured!   
Time to continue 


  1. Happy to see you continue to skate; the ice looks in great shape. Fantastic job on the scarf & the new mittens are coming along nicely. And I was doing “nicely” until the end of your post…a few tears and a heart full of pride for our very special brother. ❤️ Norma

    1. In hindsight, I should have sent you a message before posting to let you know the content. The ice will only get better as the cold front comes in on Monday!

  2. Your knitting is improving very quickly! So sorry for your loss. I'm sure your brother was a special person.

    1. Thank You! I like how this third pair looks, feel ready now to knit some mitts to hand off to others.

  3. Beautiful photographs and a lovely tribute to remember your brother.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank You! Lots of beauty to be found in wintry conditions!

  4. Appreciation for yourself and others and appreciation for our nature...
    I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful 2025.


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