Sunday, February 2, 2025



From spring-like to down right frosty, blustery, snowy, nippy, wintry!  That's the weather front!  From hands to feet, mittens to socks & slippers, that's me on the knitting front.  As the temperature decreases the bulkier the yarn I have been working with.  For the next two to three days, I have my work cut out for me. Thereafter, conditions should be user friendly to etch away on ice again. While the temperatures are not too too bad, it is the windchill that will nip, bite and cut!  

These are my newly knitted bulky slippers and the go to pair for these wintry days.  The finished product was not the plan and I came to realize this would be the case a mere half hour after casting on the stitches.  Picking the yarn was a beginner's mistake.  While I love the weight and the colours and the texture, I don't care that each slipper is two colours and do not match the two colours of the other slipper.  It was one great big ball of yarn probably meant for a large item such as a blanket.  Yet, they are comfy and cozy while performing as they were intended to do so!  

Three strikes and you're out!  I attempted to knit these socks three times with no luck.  After starting over for the third time and still experiencing a disastrous mess, I packed up the yarn, needles and pattern putting it all aside for another time.  I need much more experience under my belt and once I have that, I will go for a fourth attempt.  
Working with super fine yarn was challenging for me as was holding small needles.  It did not help that the needles were black and those against the dark yarn made it even more of a challenge.  Yes, I still have loads to learn and yes I want to continue learning and yes I do enjoy a challenge!  

That is exactly what it looked like outside, white with no view.  I completed my first super bulky tube sock.  The colour is called "Seaglass" which called my name loud & clear. I followed a tutorial on how to change to another colour and incorporated that into this sock.  The colour of the stripes at the top and the tip of the toe is called "Succulent".  

I started the second sock while sipping a glass of Two Oceans white.  

I have another super bulky sock knitting project lined up for when the Seaglass Sock is complete.  I am already pondering someday I would love to be able to knit a sweater.  Maybe a vest should come before that.  This could all be a pipe dream but only time will tell.  In the meantime, I will continue to learn, practice and knit up a storm while it storms outside!  


  1. Your knitting projects look great, I love the yarn colors. Cute sock, I like the tube socks. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

    1. It's been an enjoyable past time especially when the projects are a success!

  2. Your knitted socks looks great! It looks like you're getting cold weather ahead. It was - 11 C here last night. I long for spring.

    1. It has been cold, -22C as a high during the day with windchill on top of that. It is forecasted to warm up somewhat by Thursday. I love this weather and am making the most of it as safely as I can.

  3. Your chunky knits look super cosy. I think your problem with the socks is you’re using a too large circular needle I go for one that is 30cm long and it makes it much easier.

    1. My first try was with shorter circular needles, but not that short , I tried to knit magic loop but had trouble doing so, thought the needles may have been too short. I bought the second set which was longer and still no luck. I am thinking I need to follow a lesson on how to knit with the very short circular needles.

  4. You've really got into the knitting business. The socks look warm.

    1. I've been wearing the socks, they are toasty!

  5. They look so cozy and warm! I have a new pair of slippers but mine were made in China, not by the loving hand of a fellow Canadian. They are warm though!

  6. Very worthwhile projects for your weather, even if not as productive as you would like. I would think, from my limited knitting experience, that a basic raglan sleeve jumper would be easier to knit than socks.

    1. I agree with you Helen and have found a sweater pattern that could be my next project.

  7. My word those socks look cozy and warm. The other night my feet were cold in bed and I got up and put on a pair of socks. I think these would have done the trick!

    1. They have been perfect as slippers these days! I think you could have these on in bed, stick your feet out from under the blankets and your feet would still be warm!

  8. Despite the colours not matching, those slippers are perfect for your chilly days and matchy, matchy isn’t necessary as long as they do the trick! ❤️Norma

    1. You just reminded me that my definition of "matchy, matchy" is when the colours are mismatched!


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