Wednesday, February 19, 2025

stories of passion


a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something

A big thank you to the Polar Vortex over the past number of days, it dictated that numerous hours of indoor time were necessary.  I dedicated many of those hours to my recently discovered passion for knitting.  I am not sure how long this passion will survive but I am thoroughly enjoying riding this wonderful wave.  I completed my "Seaglass Sweater" which matches my "Seaglass Socks".   

It was the style of sweater and the easy pattern that drew me in.  I like the stand up collar, being open at the front and having the back longer than the front.  The shade called "Seaglass" brings me back to wandering beaches collecting seaglass (beach glass).  Those thoughts warm my heart while the actual sweater and socks warm my body after covering a few kilometres outside during the Polar Vortex.

This is a photo from the pattern I used.

My passion for learning feels like it is never ending plus I want to continue riding the enjoyable knitting wave.  Pairing those together lead me to taking on cable knitting.  This photo shows my progress so far on a pair of slippers.  I may or may not keep them once they are complete.  


an extreme interest in a wish for doing something such as a hobby or activity

On this morning I pushed against the Polar Vortex and plunged into it!  I have always enjoyed testing the extreme cold as long as I could remain safe or quickly get to safety.  Pair that with my four year passion for birding and off I went to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.  I owned the trails for my entire ninety minute walk.  My favourite trail for this visit was the one that follows along the Bow River.  This is what -25C with a -31C windchill (-13F with a -23.8F windchill) looks like.  I found this view to be incredibly wild and beautiful.  

this section of the river was beginning to freeze 

that dark stretch in the middle is a line of ducks & geese packed together at the edge of the water

I enjoyed the scenery yet the highlight for me was following this Bald Eagle.  There were three chasing after each other.  I focused on this one. It flew in circles working its way away from being over the river, towards the trees along the trail I was now on.  

It landed on a tree top directly above me.  
It perched there for a lengthy enough time that I was able to capture many perfect photographs.  

It was at this point I wondered was it eyeing the faux fur trim on the hood of my jacket.  I normally unsnap the trim when I go birding but I needed it in place to help keep my face protected from the windchill.  I was content with the many photos I took, so moved on down the trail. I looked back at it and its' interest had shifted to the crows that now congregated near it. It was time to head back to my vehicle and hit the highway to home.  


a strong liking or desire for or to some activity, object or concept

When I needed a break from the knitting and while the Polar Vortex was at its' peak, I invested time laying paint on paper.  Before doing so, I googled and learned a little bit about Bergen Norway.  Bergen is the gateway to the Fjords and the Marstein Lighthouse is the guiding light from the North Sea to the Fjords to Bergen.  I have always had a passion for lighthouses for as long as I can remember.  My kitchen theme is lighthouses.  Numerous trips I have been on, I incorporated a visit to a lighthouse.  

This is my "ink & wash" watercolour painting of the  Marstein Lighthouse.  It's been awhile since I worked in the "ink & wash" style so needed to do a little catch up lesson first before proecedding.  This passion for painting, just like my birding passion, has lasted for four years.  I see painting being a life long passion! 

This is the reference photo I used which I found on the VisitNorway tourist website. 

The "weather whiplash" happened!  The Polar Vortex abruptly departed and now we are on watch for melting, flooding, pipes cracking etc.  I still have hope I can invest time in my passion for skating.  I do know for sure though, being outside will rule over extended hours being inside knitting and painting. 


  1. Alexandra, as always, lots of neat stuff in this post, but top marks go to your Eagle captures. Wow! The Eagle looking right down at you is amazing. I wonder if you would agree … the Eagle was as curious about you as you were with the Eagle. I also enjoyed your art and your sweater. Congrats on another wonderful post! John

    1. John, I agree with you, that Eagle was certainly curious about me! It was so close to me, it made me nervous!

  2. You are so good at knitting. Waves are so nice in sweaters. I used to knit a lot, but my passion for houseplants and gardening has taken over. I don't have such exciting birds like you here, but I enjoy looking at the ones that are here. The Bald Eagle is a beautiful bird. Fantastic pictures of it!
    Nice watercolor from Bergen. I have been there once. Then I was visiting an Arboretum :)

    1. I am not sure how long I will feel the passion for knitting, maybe once Spring arrives and I spend more time outside then knitting will fall by the wayside. Your love for gardening, houseplants and the birds in your area comes through in your blog and it is such a pleasure for me to admire, from a distance, what you share with us.

  3. Your passions fulfilled magnificently!

    1. At times I wonder if I have too may passions on the go at once!

  4. Brrr. I grew up where it got very cold, but haven't lived in the north for many years. Now I would probably freeze in place if I ventured outdoors in a polar vortex. Good for you for venturing out. The colour of the ice on the lake is so pretty.
    Your watercolour and your sweater show that you used the forced indoor time well.

    1. In a 24 hour period, we had an increase in temperature by thirty degrees, the melt is on! It took being that cold for the ice to look that colour!

  5. Hello,
    Your sweater is cute, I love the yarn colors. Your eagle photos are awesome, well done. Love the lighthouse painting! Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  6. I don’t know which is more spectacular - your clothing creations or the spectacular shots of the Bald Eagles. But we have them both, so we don’t have to choose! That’s a good thing!


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