Friday, February 2, 2024

over the Snow Moon

In 2024, February's full moon appears on the 24th and it's called the "Snow Moon".  It will be fullest at 5:30am MST on the 24th but it will be below the horizon.  The moon will best be witnessed February 23rd around 5:15pm MST in the NorthEastern sky.  This year it is a micromoon which means it will be full when it is at the furthest point from earth.  Typically, the heaviest snowfalls occur during February, so there you have the "Snow Moon"!

This is my watercolour painting of the Full Snow Moon. This painting will be used for February in my 2025 Calendar.  I shared my plan of making a calendar in this post.  I included a pale pink heart in the moon to represent Valentine's Day.  All the white is gouache with a bit of either pink or grey watercolour paint mixed in.  The splatters are pure gouache and I let them fall where they may, representing snowflakes and stars. 

Many fun memories came flashing back when I searched through blog posts and my digital albums from years gone by.  While I had no photos of a full moon for any February, I did have a load of photos depicting how much snow there was in Februarys gone by.  I choose the photo below the painting as my reference photo.  It was taken on February 21, 2015 during a snowshoe outing. I put my own twist on the painting.  Using my imagination, I made it look like a late evening scene as the Snow Moon was at its biggest and brightest.  

With so much snow, a purple/pink late evening sky, the full moon, I love 💗 this look.  

the reference photo

While browsing blog posts and photos, these are a few of the February fun times, from over the years, that jumped out at me. They would certainly make one believe that yes February is the month with the heaviest snowfalls.  

Now that we are into February, I will be curious to see what transpires this year for snowfall this month.  If this month is anything like the past two months, it is best to expect anything and everything in one form or another!  I have faith in the typical February, my skis and skates still sit at the front door!  

On the evening of February 23rd, I will be outside with hopes of witnessing the Full Snow Moon!


  1. How nice to find your new blog. It's great to see that you are still active and living large!

    1. Nice to see you back here! Just wanting to make the most of each day in some way.

  2. Love the painting of your snow moon. I agree we have had our heaviest snow falls in February. Maybe it’s time to do another snow dance lol! B x

    1. We may get snow late today and into tomorrow! I will be monitoring your blog hoping to see some snowy shots!

  3. I love your painting of the snow moon for February; especially to see your pictures of past February's with snow! As exciting, will be the 2025 Calendar that you create of your beautiful artwork. - Mary

    1. Thank You Mary! I enjoyed seeing your photo on FB of the calendars you have for this year!

  4. In your painting, the snowfall on the cabin has a wonderful massiveness. The moon is fascinating.
    Yesterday we had a thin snow accumulation for the first time this winter, though it was only 2 inches deep.

    1. Two inches of snow is a good amount to give a very pretty touch to the scenery! I hope you get to enjoy it! That amount of snow on the cabin roof was amazing, I would not want to be standing there when the snow slides off.

  5. Alexandra I lved your painting of the Snow Moon and your collage of 'Let it Snow' has me captivated.

  6. Your creative process, blending memories with artistic imagination to depict the moon at its most majestic, really brings the magic of this winter phenomenon to life. Great photos and artwork!

    1. Thank You John! Sometimes my imagination runs wild and I need to reel it in!


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