Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Forgetmenot Pond & Big Elbow Trail November 11, 2024

My choice was to spend a few hours out side of the city for Remembrance Day.  I picked Forgetmenot Pond as the place to be! I went with intentions of capturing photos of my Poppy in the snow or ice.  Each year in November, I make my way out to the Little Elbow Provincial Recreation Area to get one or two last visits in before the gate closes on December 1st. Every November that I go, The Pond always has some degree of ice formed on it.  On this trip, Forgetmenot Pond was wide open water, there was not even an inkling of ice to be seen on it nor anywhere near it.  So, my Poppy was propped up on a piece of wood instead of in snow or on ice. 

Upon arrival at the parking lot, I saw four wild mustangs feeding in the field.  
Before heading towards The Pond, I strolled closer to the horses 
and used my zoom from the opposite side of the road to capture their beauty. 

I have been so fortunate to be presented with gorgeous mornings here whenever I go early.

I picked this spot to acknowledge Remembrance Day!  

After the most important task was complete, I then grabbed a selfie.

With no ice, nor snow, nor mud, it was easy going along the Big Elbow Trail. 

I was along this route in early November of last year and decided to go for it again today.

This time around, I went further along the trail.  Next time I am in this area, I will go even further.  I have never hiked beyond before but know there are sights to see. 

view of Nihahi Ridge which I have hiked up a few times
the route goes up the other side

on Nihahi July of 2021
shows further along the trail I was on today winding along the creek 

on Nihahi July of 2022
today I would have been below and to the left from where I stand in this photo

It was so pretty and peaceful here with the blue sky and fluffy puffy white clouds, add the sound of the creek running and on top of that the autumn shades covering the ground.  I made this area my turn around spot.

It was also the spot I picked to sip a hot beverage.

"Lest We Forget"
as Forgetmenot Pond


  1. Wonderful to be able to hike comfortably but it is the strangest weather!

    1. The long range forecast shows very mild temperatures and no snow at all for the city! Very strange!

  2. What a beautiful place and the horses are gorgeous!

    1. It is such a treat to see the horses but I need to be there early to do so!

  3. And you were the only one out enjoying the peace and quiet.

    1. I was the only one until early afternoon when I returned from the hike, many people were enjoying picnics by their fire.

  4. Alexandra, Forgetmenot Pond is truly a beautiful spot. Congrats on that first image. Very neat to see the wild mustangs. More High-5s on images 4 and 5. You have a great “eye” for knowing what makes an excellent photo. John

    1. It is very easy to get excellent photos at Forgetmenot Pond, especially on nice calm mornings when the weather is favourable. Photos 4 and 5 are my favourites!

  5. So happy to see the horses! Maybe someday I’ll be fortunate enough to catch a glimpse. What a special way to “remember”. ❤️Norma

    1. You may have to make an early morning visit to see the Mustangs, that is the only time when I see them.


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