Monday, February 10, 2025

inside outside : February 10, 2025

When I checked the weather shortly after waking this morning and saw the igloo diagram I knew this morning would be an inside morning.  The 9:00am temperatures were warmer than what it showed at wake time. But, around 9:00am I did step outside to plug in the block heater in my car so it would be warmed up and ready to go shortly after noon.  

Two Bald Eagles sitting in a tree
first comes 
b- u- i- l -d- i- n- g     a     n-e- s- t
one flies away while the other one rests
then comes.....
The few inside hours were spent painting and knitting.  Over the past few days, I followed tutorials on how to paint Bald Eagles.  I am invested in the two that are building the nest at Carburn Park. I followed them last spring only to one day see an Eaglet peeking out of the nest.  This morning I completed the last tutorial and painting showing the Bald Eagle flying.

one flies away

while the other one rests

then comes.....
The Eaglet!

Working on the above three paintings was such a delightful way to past time, as is knitting my very first ever sweater.  It will be called "Seaglass Sweater" as it is the same shade as my bulky socks.  It is being knit with two single pointed needles, will be made up of five pieces, then the pieces knitted together.  Both Stockinette Stitch and Seed Stitch are being used.  

Shortly after noon, the igloo became a sun 
it was time to bundle up and head outside.  

This was my welcome to Nose Creek!  
I heard it before I saw it! 
The Coyote was up on the ridge.

It's the time of year when Coyotes are aggressive.
 They have probably already mated and their pups will be born in March or into April. 
I watched it for awhile.  

It watched me as the Magpies watched it.

I continued walking along the Creek down in the valley bottom doing an out and back.  While climbing the hill back up to the ridge and then towards the Birth Forest, the Coyote came out of the bushes and walked in front of me, it appeared to have had no idea I was behind it.  It looked larger but maybe that was just because we were closer in proximity. 

When I reached the top of the hill,
I saw it stopped and turned around!
It looked bushier, maybe that was due to being at a different angle. 

Then it walked off!

I walked towards the Birth Forest to meander along the trails through the trees.  As I entered the Forest, there were three Coyotes standing at the first opening, looking at me.  I did a quick turn around and got the heck out of there returning to my vehicle by circumnavigating the Birth Forest. While I do enjoy seeing and watching Coyotes from a safe distance, this was not the time to stick around snapping more shots.  It was good to see they looked healthy with shiny, bulky fur coats. 

Being both inside and outside today were fulfilling!
I still have a full evening ahead of me!


  1. that's a very healthy looking animal. I keep my distance from cayotes as well as deer and other critters.

    1. I am thankful to have such a great zoom on my camera, I like when I get to see detail on critters up close through my lens.

  2. Alexandra, assuming your first image shows the temp in C … -23C = about -9F. If it ever gets to -9F in Seattle I imagine they would shutdown the city. Of course, I’m kidding, but not much. You spent your morning wisely with painting and knitting and we are lucky you’re sharing the results. The 2nd Eagle image … the feeling is strong … great! And the Eaglet … a smile maker! By the way, I loved your mention of the Eaglet on the stamp in my new post. Talk about noticing the details! Wow! ๐Ÿ˜Š Your bulky socks look warm and the Seaglass Sweater … gonna be great. Of course, to top it all off … the Coyote pics are great and love the video. Forgive me for the long comment. I’m truly enjoying Still Making Waves! John

    1. Yes that is -23C and one of the warmer mornings. Good to hear you are enjoying my blog, I always hope to bring smiles to faces in one way or another. I like learning what fills peoples' days, from various parts of our world, your posts are always a delight to read!

  3. Wow! Three coyotes. I'd be scrambling away, too. Love the colours of your SeaGlass socks and sweater. Cozy looking.

    1. I thought I was seeing the same coyote then realized it was triple the pleasure! I wonder if you ever collect seaglass while on your coastal walks!

  4. Hello,
    I love your paintings, the eaglet is a favorite. Your socks are pretty and the blanket will be lovely. The sea glass yarn would be my choice. The coyotes are scary, especially if there is a pack of them. Great capture of the Coyote with the magpies. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Many years ago, I had a not so good experience with a pack of coyotes, thankfully there were four of us hiking together, we were able to stop them from coming closer to us.

  5. Wonderful watercolours. Fabulous productive knitting and a sensational but safe time, out in the chill.

    1. Making the most of being inside on these very cold days! Painting and knitting beats watching the news these days!

  6. I usually see coyotes, deer, or moose on my walks but they always avoid me -- too bad because I don't carry binoculars or have a camera with a good zoom. Your blog is a treat.

    1. Thank You for stopping by and leaving your comment! Seeing wildlife from a distance is the safest treat!

  7. The eaglet painting is sooooo cute! Good for you to take on knitting a sweater, I look forward to seeing the finished project. And for the coyotes, you know my feelings from our encounter by the zoo…๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ฑ ❤️Norma

    1. Sweater is finished, may share a photo here at some point! I remember that darn coyote blocking our way to get back to our vehicles!


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