Monday, March 24, 2025

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary March 24, 2025

This morning I left my spikes at home!  I packed a hat but did not don it!  My choice was the light pair of gloves instead of the heavier pair. No long underwear!  No third layer under my coat! Walking in my walking shoes rather than boots was sheer joy! There was no need to warm up my vehicle nor scrape the windshield! I was excited to get to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary this morning!  These were views that greeted me! 

This morning I was camera ready at the get-go. 
The spring time sights and sounds were plentiful.  

The visitors are increasing in numbers by the day. That's birds and ducks I am talking about yet the number of people strolling The Sanctuary has increased immensely.  It's that time of year, many smiling faces, groups and soloists, cameras of all sizes, casual conversations "Have you seen anything exciting?" That's a dangerous question to ask me if you really want me to tell you the truth.  

Much excites me when I am out birding on a day like this!  In addition to seeing the interesting clouds, then seeing the deer and a coyote, on top of that then watching the ground squirrels, then there are the courting calls and the chasing, chasing to catch and chasing to chase away.  Even the little things excite me like the bright green on this Common Goldeneye.

This male Wood Duck was standing alone on the edge of the ice when I arrived. I watched him primp. When I walked by an hour later he was still there. Two hours later when I was passing by the area one last time before leaving, he was still in the same spot primping.  

I watched this Wood Duck pair talking back and forth high up in the trees. 
She then flew down behind him to this little alcove at the water's edge. 

I heard it before I saw it so aimed in the direction the songs were coming from.  
Seeing a Robin is a true sign of spring.

The Robin stayed perched on the branch for a long time.  I was quite close to it yet still zoomed in even closer to get this photo showing the detail of its beautiful face and feathers.  Oh how perfect!

I wonder if this is the pair that stands guard on the bridge railing?
I am not sure what their story is on this day! 
Somebody is not interested in listening though!  

female Common Goldeneye

banded Black-capped Chickadee

This is just a baker's dozen worth of photographs showing things that excited me during my visit to The Sanctuary today.  All these signs of spring bring hope for much more excitement for each day to come. I dare you to ask me "Have you seen anything exciting?"  


  1. Looks like a great place to visit with a wide range of interesting characters. Reminds me that we need to plan a visit to a local wetland where Wood Ducks breed each year and take advantage of the relevant abundance of suitable cavities in trees rimming the water. There is little that is more spectacular than a male in fresh plumage ready to charm the first female to come along! Were I a female I would be unable to resist!

    1. I like to zoom in on the head of the male Wood Duck to get a closer look, their head is so unusual! I hope you get to enjoy admiring your Wood Ducks when you get to see them.

  2. Wow1 Your photos make me wish I were there walking through the bird sanctuary with you. What an exciting time of the year.

    1. So many people were just strolling along today! You would enjoy it!


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