Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Lake Louise. March 19, 2025

Being the last day of winter, I savoured every single second of it enjoying a winter day as my kind of winter should be! It was a perfectly cold start to my cross country ski trek around the Bow River Loop adding on a tour throughout the groomed campground route. The sun just peeked above the peaks as I arrived at the track head. Ready! Set! Glide! 

Early starts give the opportunity to capture selfies before others glide along in my direction.  I wish this was a video rather than a photograph! I obviously took on more than I could chew when two seconds after this photo was snapped, I accidentally fell into the snow. About ten minutes later I was finally upright and exhausted! Exhaustion not from trying to get up but from laughing too much! 

view of the Bow River from the X-C Ski track

crossing the short bridge to the short steep hill on the other side 

now on the opposite side of the river 

One lap was not enough so I went for a second, 
this time noticing views I didn’t see the first time.

I am sensing this last day of winter could be the last time I get to sport frosty fringes until next winter!  While skiing throughout the morning, I heard four occurrences of avalanche control, each startling me. I could not see any evidence of them.  I am sensing there could be more avalanche control as we head into spring especially if there is more snowfall.  

Back at the big bridge and as I glide across back to my vehicle, I can’t help but stop and admire the clouds.  They are springing up and outwards!  I wonder what spring will bring! My hope is for things to be  on the up and up in every positive way possible!  



  1. Gorgeous scenic photos! I love them all! Take care, have a great day!

  2. Alexandra,
    I nominate the second image to go on your annual calendar production. Just an awesome shot. You definitely look to be enjoying the trail on your skies. Many very well captured scenes. Thanks for sharing! By the way, in your previous post you mentioned your big trip coming in May. Where will you be going?
    PS Thank you for your kind reply to my comment on your Friday, March 14 post!

  3. It seems that there are many more ski trails than when I skied there.

  4. I would have loved to see that video!!!! ❤️Norma


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