Friday, March 7, 2025

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary March 7, 2025

🎵The Sanctuary was alive with the sound of music!🎵  

That is if birds' songs are music to your ears! 

Today's wander around The Inglewood Bird Sanctuary was purely about wandering the trails while wondering about the birds! The scenery was not the focus, it's not the prettiest right now anyway.  There were no deer, nor coyotes, nor rabbits, nor muskrats. There were enough bird songs and activity to distract me from paying attention to anything other than what The Sanctuary is truly all about.    

Upon arriving at the junction then veering south along the trail that leads to the Colonel James Walker House, the sounds from the Canada Geese echoed loudly throughout the area.  The pair were perched on the roof and chimney as they have done in the past at this time of year.  The grassy area and forest section are pleasant and popular places to wander as they are pleasing locations for the birds and many can be spotted here.  I aimed for there then needed to make a mad dash away when the Pair of Geese swooped down towards me and claimed their space. 

I moved on and then I saw them move on!  OH! OH!  They landed on the bridge rail and perched there as they have done in the past at this time of year.  They watched me walk by hissing at me as I did so.  Whew at receiving only hisses and no pecks.   

This Canada Goose was going no where.
It sat in the snow, shortly its partner joined in.  
There were wars between this pair and the pair on guard at the rail.

I was ready to move onto greener pastures or I should say open waters.  The waterway that runs through The Sanctuary is beginning to open up.  The very small section housed a pair of Common Goldeneyes swimming circles where they could.  

male Common Goldeneye

female Common Goldeneye

The Bow River running outside The Sanctuary runs wide open. The hundreds of Geese and Mallards that hung out along side it over the past number of months are gone.  Common Mergansers have settled in.  I always smile when I see the hair styles on the female Common Mergansers. 

Every bird, duck or goose has a story! I have a story for each too!  I watched this male Hairy Woodpecker fly from a tree near me to this log.  This log is located down the trail, across the waterway, on the other side of the sidewalk over there.  I like my large zoom, on this occasion thanks to it, I got almost up close and personal with the Hairy Woodpecker.   

A lady told me, just up ahead there were eight White-breasted Nuthatches feasting in the area.  This is one of them!  They were all flitting about, singing and feasting.  Seeing eight at once was a feast for me.

The Northern Flickers were plentiful today and appeared to be ruling The Sanctuary, well, other than those two Canada Geese.  Between the Flickers and the Starlings, signs of spring have obviously sprung.  This pair did the dance over and over again.  

"Little Robin Red Breast sat upon a tree!"  Oh how sweet is he or she! I only saw the one but no doubt there is a partner somewhere or there will be soon.  The gold beak and the red breast bring much cheer to the dull brown season.   

Before leaving to head home, I stopped by the Colonel Walker House again with hopes the Canada Geese would leave me only.  They did leave me to freely and safely wander about.  The male House Finch was perched high on a tree branch enjoying the warmth from the sun, the snacks from the tree and the songs of the ladies around him. 

'Tis the season! 
As each day passes, more and more birds will be arriving, 
setting up homes for the spring and summer.  
It is an exciting time for birders!  


  1. I am looking forward to seeing the spring birds arrive. You have a great post and beautiful bird photos.
    It is hard to pick a favorite, I love them all. Have a great weekend.

  2. What a perfect blue sky to be out birding under.

  3. Good story to go along with your sightings. With the mild weather things seem to be much earlier. I hate to rain on your party, but we haven't had the March storm yet.

  4. Spring has sprung early…or has it? As Red indicated, March typically brings another good dump! ❤️ Norma


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