Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Nose Hill Environmental Park March 11, 2025

It's just short of two months since I went on a long rove up and down and around the hills of Nose Hill Environmental Park! This morning was the ideal time to get back up there.  The trail head I always start from kicks off with an up up up and then away.  After that I take routes that add more ups and downs and ups.  On the up and up this morning, eyeing the cotton candy clouds in front of me was a great distraction.  

.....and up.....

.....and then away!

It did not take long before I fell into the groove of loving everything about the morning so far.  
After more downs and ups, it was along this up that confirmed that love.  
The cloud 💗 spoke to me loud and clear!  

One final up brought me to the ridge where I had a view of the Rocky Mountains which were covered in brand new white gold.  With camera in hand, I pointed, made a tiny adjustment then shot a photograph showing how the prairies meet the mountains.  Throw in a raven that performed a photobomb!  While my focus was the mountain range, I now feel the raven makes the photo!    

While roving about, I found my way to "Nose Hill Lake".  A small section was clear of ice and offered up a beautiful reflection.  While meandering around the edge, I heard a ruckus in the distance then it became louder and louder.  

Watch out, here come two Canada Geese! I had a flash back of my visit to The Sanctuary last Friday when two Canada Geese swooped down on me chasing me away.  I began to scurry away this time but at the last second these two did a sharp turn away from where I was.

They landed on the edge of the ice with the Goose to the left sliding right into the water and the other being able to control the slide and stopped on the ice.  I was not quick enough to record a video.  

This is what I did capture! The Goose on the left patiently waiting for the Goose on the right to get into the water.  It seemed hesitant yet slowly and gingerly it went for it!  I watched for another little while then went about merrily meandering throughout the top of Nose Hill.  

Time came to head down and down and down back to the trail head.  While descending, the thought crossed my mind that the next time I rove around here, it will be crocus season which is a mere three weeks away.  

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