Friday, September 2, 2022

KAYAKING Good-bye August Hello September

As we Bid Adieu to August, the heat wave continues!  What has been working best for me through these days is to be "out & about" being active early for a couple of hours.  On this morning I did just that at Bowness!  I like that by going early I get to park beside a grassy area where I can inflate my packraft, gear up, leave everything in my car, walk a minute or two, hop in and paddle off.  It was a hot start to the day so being on water was a comfortable place to be.   I am savouring these kinds of moments because September is just about here and only time will tell what will come with that!  


Welcome September!  But, certainly not welcome to the smoke that I smelled for the first time this summer!  When I walked out the door, there it was, it wasn't strong but smoke was in the air.  The further into the foothills I drove, the more obvious it was.  It wasn't strong but smoke was in the air!  I arrived at Forgetmenot Pond, the location of my maiden voyage with the packraft on July 28th.  Once again, I arrived early with hopes of hanging out in my kayak for a couple of hours before it got too hot.  Deja vu, it was a hot start to the day even out in this location of the foothills.  I did a few easy slow laps around the pond, then aimed for the middle and settled back to relax.  By late morning, it was time to head to shore and seek space away from the sun.  I hope to get out here again paddling before the end of the season, but only time will tell if that will happen!


  1. Your kayak was a fabulous purchase. Spring has supposedly arrived here but we have rain and blustery winds.

    1. I did not expect to get to kayak as much as I have already and by the looks of things, there may be more opportunities! Wishing you a beautiful spring!


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