Thursday, January 16, 2025

what life looks like lately

Nose Hill for the Full Wolf Moon
After admiring the Full Wolf Moon that evening out my front door then gazing up at it early the next morning from my back deck, the desire to chase it became inevitable.  I had no intentions of going down that route this year but following the full moons last year brought much joy and I have capacity to entertain even more joy!  There it is, the Full Wolf Moon as seen while the sun is rising behind me.  The sky had that cotton candy look and the full moon shone brightly in it!  It was dark as I began ascending the Hill.  When it became light enough, I got my camera ready for whatever may offer a photographic opportunity.  The coyote came out of no where and that was a great opportunity to start snapping.  The Full Wolf Moon began to set over the far off hills in front of me as the sun shone brightly behind me!

Carburn Park for the Bald Eagles
It was time to see how one of my investments was progressing!  I was happy to see the two Adult Bald Eagles sitting at their nest high in the tree across the Bow River.  One was busy flying off and returning with branches.  They continue to build up the old nest from last year where their eaglet was born and raised.  Soon the mating ritual will begin if it has not already.  I will be keeping my eyes and ears open as I always do when I am here and today doing that afforded me other great sights.  Both the Great Horned Owl and the Porcupine were sleeping.  The screech and crack I heard was the Eagle trying to break off a branch, it was unsuccesful in this attempt. I am fully invested in monitoring these Bald Eagles as were others who were admiring them along with me.

Bowness for the Ice 
With the spring-like weather the city has been experiencing, I wondered would it be worth it to drive to Bowness for a skating session.  This day was to be the coldest of the next few days yet still above freezing.  The marker on the chart was set at "rough ice", it did not appear to be rough enough to deter me from lacing up and gliding away.  I went for it and ten kilometres later I felt fulfilled! I skated mainly on The Lagoon.  I did venture down The Canal before the Ice Man made his way there and it was quite nice. Once he appeared, I gave him a wide berth so he could work his magic and I returned to The Lagoon.  I did try The Canal again once he moved on over to The Ice Trail.  The flooding was not freezing and it was like skating through slush.  I will wait until the coming weekend to skate again, that is when the Polor Vortex is forecasted to arrive for a few days.  

Inglewood for the Birds
Solid ice covered the entire route all around The Sanctuary.  If it was flat and smooth then skates would have been the perfect mode for movement.  Spikes were a necessity!   I am making an assumption that this is the reason very few reports from this location are being posted on e-Bird.  It was a most gorgeous morning temperature wise which made it pleasant to just stop, stand still and watch the comings and goings of the birds.  A flock of Common Redpolls were feasting causing bits and pieces of seeds to fly everywhere.  The White-breasted Nuthatch collected a snack to feast upon.  The Northern Flickers were calling back and forth to each other, are they beginning the mating ritual I ask?  The male House Finch glowed brightly in the morning light.  It was good to see the Mountain Cottontail out & about and I was happy to have a beautiful morning to be out & about!

2026 Calendar for Painting
Throughout last year, as I created the 2025 Full Moon Calendar, I was already contemplating the enjoyment a similar project would bring in 2025. I am liking my 2025 Calendar, it is on my fridge where I see it many times each day.  I have been brain-storming and this is what transpired from doing so.  I want to create a calendar for next year with a watercolour painting of some sort for each month.  The title may be "nurtured by activity".  I want each month to contain words. I want each month to contain sporting equipment. I want the project to bring a variety of types of fulfillment.  The painting I used for my recent Lake Louise adventure offered fuel to the path I want to take with this calendar.  January and February are complete.  I know nothing more right now, this project could evolve in ways I don't realize at the moment. I will just let the ideas flow!


  1. Hello,
    Pretty captures of the moon. I love your eagle and owl photos! The bunny is cute. I do not get to see the redpolls here, I have only seen one years ago. Your calendar images are pretty, I hope you have many happy moments. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thank You for your comment! Happy to share the Redpoll photo for those like you who do not get them as visitors. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Stunning photos as always. Amazing bald eagles. Great capture. I envy you your skating. I imagine it to be very peaceful. B x

    1. Skating can be very peaceful, at times the only thing I can hear is the sound the blades make when they glide on the ice.

  3. Replies
    1. Trying to do as much as I can of that! The benefits are amazing!

  4. Those Bald Eagles ... wonderful.
    But lovely to see all of the photographs you've shared here.

    Enjoy the coming weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. It was a task to pick out only a few photos to share! There has been an abundance of wonderful sights lately! I hope your weekend is getting off to a great start!

  5. Amazing photos of the moon & so happy to see the bald eagles back at rebuilding their nest. Fingers crossed on future offspring! I read about an upcoming planetary alignment called the Parade of Planets. Hope you get some great weather & photos. ❤️Norma

    1. The best viewing of the Parade starts on the 21st but I have already seen it not realizing what I was seeing until I did some googling. My camera did not pick up all planets. Maybe starting on the 21st I will get better photos. You should be able to see it too!

  6. Alexandra, You have a wonderful way with words AND photographs. I appreciate the way you take us along on your adventures and tell us about the highlights. I also admire your concept for your 2026 calendar. Your art for January and February is perfect … now just to find the words. 😊 Thanks, as always, for sharing! John PS I’m really looking forward to keeping an eye on the Eagles!

    1. I am good with the words I went with for Jan and Feb but now I need ten more sayings along those lines! Yes, now just to find those words, I am at a dry spell right now!

  7. Amazing pictures! Wonderful catches of the birds! What an adventure!


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