Friday, March 21, 2025

Lake Louise March 21, 2025

The last item I threw into my vehicle before hitting the highway west to Lake Louise on Tuesday was my pair of skates.  They had been retired to my basement on February 25th when local ice conditions were no longer worthy for skating.  This escape west was for cross country skiing yet it took no effort to bring along my skates just in case.  When I saw people skating yesterday on Lake Louise and seeing the ice conditions looked quite nice, my thought turned to maybe I can fit in a skate around the Lake.

It snowed last evening and into the night which meant the skating surface would have a new layer of white gold covering it. My hope was being Friday, the sweeper would be out working his magic to prepare the ice for the weekend crowd.  As I crossed the little bridge at the foot of Lake Louise, the only things I noticed were two climbers crossing the lake with their gear, the sky had a tinge of pink as the sun had just come up and everything was dusted with that wonderful white. 

 Then I saw this as I rounded the corner, the sweeper was working the outer edges of the ice. 

The ice looked perfect!

I quickly laced up and skated away.  The ice was as it looked, perfect.  

Not long after hitting the ice, snow flurries began to sprinkle down. The sweeper was finishing up working his magic.  A few minutes after recording this video, the dark clouds came in, the snow began to heavily fall.  They were those big fluffy flakes and in a matter of minutes the ice surface was once again completely covered in snow. 

He's doing one last loop around before driving off. 

my selfie in the middle of an almost white out

the snow banks continue to grow 

It was so dreamy skating while the snow was falling.
 I enjoyed etching hearts and smily faces in the snow covered ice.  

following my etchings 

Almost a month later since I last skated on February 25th and retired my skates to the basement, I can now add another 8.25 kms to my previous record total of 241.5 kms skated this season.  249.75 Kilometres sounds like 250 kms to me.  Once again, I will retire my skates to the basement until next season! 


  1. I've enjoyed your last few posts featuring Lake Louise. Hearing the avalanche controls would start me thinking, too. And how magical to skate during a snowfall in that most beautiful setting. We've visited Lake Louise often, hiking the Plain of Six Glaciers, and Lake Agnes, Little, and Big Beehives. It's such a gorgeous spot, but becoming so very crowded with tourists. We would like to take a winter vacation in the area, which I think will have fewer people, as you've shown in your photos.
    Now it's goodbye to winter and hello to spring! I wonder where your adventuring spirit will take you next.

    1. I enjoyed being up on the Big Beehive in past years. The views are so amazing from up there. If you have never been there in the winter, I highly recommend it. It's a whole different beautiful world there when it is dressed in winter white!

  2. You have to be willing to get out un less than perfect conditions to keep up a routine.

    1. I am fine with whatever the conditions are as long as I know I can stay safe.

  3. Alexandra, I’m kicking myself. Well, I grew up in Texas. The only ice down there is in the skating rinks. Yes, I did try it out a few times, but didn’t stick with it. Now, MANY years later, I watch your videos and wish I could skate on Lake Louise like you do. 😊 Thanks to your posts I get a good idea of what it must be like. Thanks for sharing! John

    1. I am trying to picture learning to skate in Texas! I am not all that knowledgable about skating in Texas, is it a popular sport there? I started skating at a very young age and stuck with it over the years so it comes very easy to me even at this point in my life.

  4. One last skate was meant to be! ❤️Norma

    1. The final star in the alignment for that get-away!

  5. Another enjoyable post, thank you.
    You've done so well with your skating.

    All the best Jan

    1. The sport brings much joy, I even love to watch it on TV! I also follow Instagram accounts of wild ice skaters.

  6. Thank you for the beautiful photos and the great videos.
    Winter at its finest... I can really imagine your joy.
    A hug from Viola


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