Saying goodbye to January means it's time for a North Coast 500 progress report!

This North Coast 500 virtual challenge is bringing me back home in interest and in spirit just like my very first challenge in January of 2021 did! Back then I signed up to conquer "The Cabot Trail" which was a route around Cape Breton in Nova Scotia.
"Visible across the bay is the long and narrow Isle of Raasay and to the north of Applecross where I planned to park my weary legs was the Applecross Walled Garden. The walled garden was once part of Applecross House, a picturesque white mansion that was built in the 17th century. Changing hands several times over the centuries the garden was abandoned and fell into disrepair. Roll in the 21st century and the garden changed hands once again when it was lovingly restored to its former glory. Evolving over the years the garden now has a café with fresh produce grown on site. Taking a seat outside overlooking the flowerbeds I settled down for a homemade egg pasta topped with aubergine, peppers, red onion, cherry tomatoes and fresh basil all picked from their veggie patch. As I like to try anything locally made the recently established Applecross Craft Brewery (Est 2016) seemed a perfect choice to quench my thirst. With a selection of three different ales - pale, dark or red – I opted for the pale ale, thinking it'd complement my pasta the best. As they say in Scottish Gaelic "Sláinte Mhath" (pronounced Slangevar) meaning cheers." (photos from the cafe & brewery sites)