Friday, September 25, 2020

Nose Hill Sunrise September 25, 2020

It's been a week of colour filled "outs & abouts!" From the shades found in the National Park on Monday to the hues in the Wildlands Park on Wednesday and then today the tones located in the city at Nose Hill Park.  It paid to be up and out with the birds for sunrise time on The Hill.  I actually missed the first few seconds of when the sun peaked above the horizon as I was distracted by the multitude of beautiful reds and oranges and yellows that were on fire.  I traipsed all over creation appreciating the variety of colours in the different locations. These few photos depict Nose Hill in her autumn splendour!   


  1. My wife,Dale, and myself, are 77 and 78, and started hiking in western US
    and Canadian Rockies, in 1995. We have wrapped our arms around your wonderful
    writing and photos, and smiled as we study each of your adventures. Thank you
    for the years of joy, and look forward to more happy hikes. Your buddies,
    Dale and Sam Davis Madison,Alabama US PS: like the email address

    1. Thank you for dropping in for a visit from Madison, Alabama and leaving your comment. I have enjoyed many beautiful hikes in the western part of your country and I hope to be able to do more some day.


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