Thursday, December 22, 2022

actively inactive

I am thankful for the timing of my escape to Banff last week when I could be outside and active.  I also feel thankful for completing my conquer challenge before the cold took hold.  With weather conditions being the coldest I have ever experienced in my life, my mind wanders actively not my body.  

It's visions like this that are dancing in my head this week, not sugar plums!  I rendered this fireplace scene from a free picture website rather than from a tutorial.  It's done with watercolour paints in a 9" x 12" watercolour coiled book.  Recently, I have been painting more scenes without following directions but rather taking a guess on how it gets to looking like it looks.  There is lots going on behind the finished project.  I enjoyed the real wood fire place in Banff last week, this week it is painting one that adds warmth!

Each morning when I woke, I checked the forecast to see what we were in for. 

Each day I picked a place where my mind could actively wander to.  In my search, I realized a majority of artists' painting projects are seasonly based.  I am a wanna-be, so, this is what 'tis the season looks like for me!  In each watercolour painting I used metallic paints.  These three projects gave me the opportunity to incorporate depth, washes, line & wash, gouache and negative space.  

There is promise in tomorrow's forecast for once again being "out & about" safely and enjoyably! 


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