Sunday, December 18, 2022

"Aussie Coastal Bushwalk" Conquer 2022 Virtual Challenge COMPLETE December 17, 2022

When I woke this morning, one of the first things I did was check the weather forecast wondering was it user friendly enough to be "out & about" walking 7.3 kilometres.  You see, that is the distance I needed to cover to cross the finish line of my "Aussie Coastal Bushwalk" Conquer 2022 Virtual Challenge.  No pressure as I have until end of day December 31st to finish.  Yes pressure, I want it done, today!  After reviewing the hour by hour temperature forecast, I saw when the warmest time would be and I went for it!

Instead of walking 7.3 kms, I did 7.5 kms just to say, "I'll show you"!  I entered the distance on the program when I got home then updated my homemade map with fireworks and all!  
This is the google map that I updated periodically.  The distance I covered from South Stradbroke Island in Queensland to Yanakie in Victoria was 2022 kms.  That distance took 410 hours of hiking, walking, skating, and kayaking.  

no kilometres left

competed well before the time goal

This was the warmest part of the day with the light snow starting just as I arrived back home.  The -19C is not bad but the windchill of -31C is.  It only went down hill from here and is to continue plummeting over the next few days.
I dressed for it and went for it!  It was easy walking with not much snow.  

Yanakie which means "between waters" is a small coastal town with a population of 251 (2016 statistics).  It overlooks rolling farmlands. It's a two and a half hour drive to Melbourne or a 37 hour walk.  Yanakie is the closest town to Wilsons Promontory Marine National Park which is the main tourist attraction in the area.  Beauty abounds in this area!  These photos are from google maps.  What a stark difference between my reality today and where I was virtually.

Duck Point

Dunes of the Big Drift

Shallow Inlet

much to see and do at Wilsons Promontory Marine National Park

My medal is on its way!  

It's now time to enjoy having no last minute pressure to get out there especially given what we are facing weather-wise.  I enjoy being a part of the Conqueror Community.  Over the next couple of weeks, I will make a plan on how to remain being a participant in this community. I know I will not go for the "Conquer 2023 Challenge" but I will find another challenge somewhere in our world.    


  1. 🍾👏👏👏 CONGRATULATIONS 👏👏👏 🍾
    A mammoth task, very successfully completed.

    1. Thank You! It was also a great history and geography lesson!

  2. Congrats for finishing! What a huge accomplishment!

    1. Thank You Linda! It was my push to get outside on some of those days when I would rather just stay inside!


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