Sunday, March 17, 2024

a seven day stretch

It felt like time to take a break from all the full moon paintings I have been doing lately and paint a little splash of cheer as an introduction to this blog post.  After completing this piece, I noticed I'm still in the full circle frame of mind.  It was a fun project to work on and took no time at all.  I opted to use the computer to put the words inside the circles.  My printing is sketchy and I did not want to take the chance of making a mess of the whole thing.  I used a new brush, called a Dagger Striper, to paint the leaves.  I don't always take photos when I am "out & about" so the outings where I did take photos, I shared a few below.

a beautiful Nose Hill sunrise

and the aftermath

Two Common Goldeneyes were vying for her love at The Bird Sanctuary!

This is what the onset of spring looks like at Glenbow Ranch!

It was an enjoyable country drive to Wyndham Carseland for a hike around the park!

a Blue Jay welcomed me

Female Downy Woodpecker

Black Capped Chickadee

a big slice of ice floating down the river


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