Tuesday, September 3, 2024

4 short stories

Those of you who live in the warm southern states will soon be seeing an influx of birds!  I am noticing less and less here each time I am “out & about” birding.   It was cold when I arrived at Carburn Park on this morning and that was why I thought maybe the little birds were not yet going about their business.  The sun was just coming up when I arrived and it was very calm.  The Pond and The River caught my attention before any birds did.  When the sun rose well above the trees and its rays shone down on the trails and bushes, the birds came alive, yet they were limited. These were my favourites:  Belted Kingfisher,  Cedar Waxwing,  Downy Woodpecker, Tennessee Warbler, Osprey,  Pied-billed Grebe. I will still get out birding but it will soon be just the Chickadees, Woodpeckers and Nuthatches that will be capturing my attention!

After arriving home from Glacier National Park last Thursday, I was quite content to stay home  even though it was absolutely beautiful outside. I just couldn’t get behind the wheel again nor top up the gas tank yet again,  For a number of hours over two days, in my mind I went somewhere! I went back to Montana via putting paint on paper!  The first painting is Iceberg Lake and the second is St Mary Lake.   My reference photos are shown below the paintings.  For Ptarmigan Wall surrounding Iceberg Lake, reviewing how I painted the Grand Canyon was beneficial.  I already took a lesson on painting crashing waves for a previous project, but I needed to learn how to paint rocks underneath water for the St Mary Lake painting.  That was an enjoyable lesson and I like the outcome. In fact, I like the outcome of each painting!

When passing through the parking lot at Swiftcurrent in Many Glacier on August 27th, on my way to my room after hiking, a vehicle with a couple inside stopped beside me. She presented a little orange bag and said it was a gift for me.  He said it was a handmade necklace, made with love and it was unique.  I accepted it graciously. They said they just drove the Going To The Sun Road from the west and were now on their way to Great Falls.  He said they were from Gold Canyon just outside of Phoenix, Arizona. I would have been close to that area when I hiked The Flatiron in  December of 2018. I was not quick on my feet with thinking, but wish I had asked a few questions.  I only wanted to get to my room and get my hiking boots off and lay on the bed after that long hike.  I thanked them for the gift and wished them a safe drive.  This is the necklace, the note and the orange bag they came in.  I did some googling and found there is someone by this name in Gold Canyon.  I did not delve into this any further but would love to be able to send them a note!

The only things that matter this morning were each split second in time that I was living!  That’s all I cared about while witnessing the dawning of a brand new day!  I was a little lazy in getting out the door this morning to get up to the high point on Nose Hill to be there for sunrise.  As I was racing on the ascent, the sun began to appear.  So, no more racing, it was time to just live each second of beauty from where I was!  After watching the show, it was back to almost racing to cover the planned ten kilometres.  The goat program is returning to Nose Hill!  The equipment for the herder and the goats was being set up today and the goats should arrive tomorrow (Wednesday).  They will be up on The Hill doing their thing until September 17th or so.  Stay tuned, I will be paying them a visit!


  1. There has to be more story behind the necklace.

    1. I agree! I did find a facebook group for Gold Canyon Arizona but it is private and there is no option to ask a question!

  2. A beautiful post, I love all the bird photos and your paintings are lovely. The necklace is a lovely gift! Beautiful sunrise captures! Take care, have a great day!

    1. I like when loads of beauty just shows up! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  3. Alexandra, I’m recalling one of your comments, either in your blog, or in a comment you left for someone else, about why some bloggers occasionally take long breaks between posts and you wonder if they are okay. I mention this for a couple of reasons. First, it’s true for me. I used to post quite frequently, even daily a few years ago. But now-a-days I’m much slower, I’m okay, just less time blogging. 😊 Second, if you don’t see a comment from me, don’t think it’s because I didn’t enjoy your post(s). And that kind of brings me to why I mention all this … just stopping by this morning, I see several new and excellent posts going back to August 25th! Wow, I love your posts on Glacier National Park! Not only the images but the design and presentation is excellent. I know this comment is getting too long, so I ask your indulgence. 😊 This post, 3 short stories, is another great one. Your commitment to getting out into nature, snaping photos, adding your art, is inspirational to me. Keep up the great work! John

    1. Thank You John for your comment! Yes, I left that comment on Red's blog when he had been away for awhile. I did wonder about you and just hoped you were finding other fun things to occupy your time. I enjoy blogging, I try to make it an artistic thing which I find therapeutic and fulfilling in many ways, even following others is fulfilling. I learn so much! My preference is still handwriting and I try to find ways to keep doing that. Now that it's September, the colours will soon be changing and offering up many opportunities for beautiful photos. I hope as time allows and you feel the urge, I hope you will share with us what the Seattle area looks like dressed in autumn shades!

  4. I wanted to stop back and say thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Nature is beautiful, so much to see! Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy week ahead.

    1. Thank You for stopping back with your comment! So much to be in awe of out there if you are open to seeing it!

  5. Living - you do it so well and share with us abundantly! How very special is the gift and the couple who randomly chose you to pass it to. I just love the sunrises especially the tranquilty of the first image.

    1. Helen, you are an inspiration to living life to the fullest!

  6. I was hoping you’d paint the waves at St Mary’s Lake…great job! And what a fantastic souvenir from the Gold Canyon couple (& yes that hike you did was out that way).

    1. I did more googling but had no luck with finding any more information on the couple who make the necklaces or even if they have some kind of website.


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