Friday, September 13, 2024

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary : Lucky FRIDAY the 13th, 2024

On this Friday the 13th, as I walked the winding trail leading to the dirt paths at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, I noticed something and took it as a sign! This was my view!  Everything that was green was so green after yesterday's steady rain for hours on end.  The air was crisp, it was fresh, I wish I could attach the fragrance to my blog post!    

The highlight of today was the number of Yellow-rumped Warblers!  
They converged on The Sanctuary by the dozens, a multitude of dozens!  
They gathered, they enjoyed a frenzied feast, preparing for a long journey south!  

The Juvenile Bald Eagle was perched not far above shortly after crossing the Logjam Bridge.  The angle of the wind caught its feathers and fluffed them up causing it to appear short and plump rather than tall and majestic. It had lots to say, I am not sure to who or what!  

Maybe it was to me it had something to say!  

Sharp-shinned Hawk


It is always a treat to see the birds of prey and I felt lucky to see three species today, but I receive more joy when I witness the little birds. There was a variety to enjoy starting with this Palm Warbler.  

House Wren

This is the same Yellow-rumped Warbler that appears in the photo near the top of this post.  It gave me numerous poses, lots with its back to me.  It was almost like it was trying to convey something to me!

Myself and another couple spent tonnes of time on the back trail where the majority of the Yellow-rumped Warblers were.  They were on the trail, in the trees and in the bushes, they were sitting on fence posts and also on the wires in between. They were feeding like there was no tomorrow! Did this one eat too much or what.....?

Dark-eyed Junco

Yelllow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Spotted Sandpiper

On this Friday the 13th, I felt so very lucky to see the many birds and ducks that I did.  The photos I shared here are just a fraction of what I witnessed.  Days like this are far and few between as each day passes.  The migration is in full swing, it may even be nearing the tail end.  As I entered the Sanctuary today, I wondered what kind of bird outing it would be and I hoped for lots to see.  As I walked the winding trail leading to the dirt paths, it was a heart formed by the clouds that I noticed and I took that as a sign that this Friday the 13th was going to be a lucky day with lots to love!  


  1. Hello, Alexandra
    It seems like the migration is happening fast, the Yellow-rump Warbler are so cute. Love the Eagle, Osprey, the cute Wren and Junco. Great bird sightings and beautiful photos. Your painting is pretty, I like the heart in the clouds. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. I follow eBird to see where the sightings are and there are less postings and sightings as the days pass.Have a nice new week!

  2. Hello. Great bird sightings. Wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing them.

    1. ....and Thank You for stopping by for a visit and leaving your comment!

  3. The photos are beautiful! I especially love the ones of the Bald Eagle.

    1. I was quick on the draw to get these photos when the wind caught the feathers!

  4. Alexandra, Another very cool post. Congrats on all your captures and I love the way you have added little comments from the birds! 😊 I no longer have any doubts about Yellow-rumped. Re the Juvenile Bald Eagle … that “pass me the hairspray” capture … I can’t get over the expression on the bird’s face. 😊 John

    1. I was trying to add a little more entertainment to my blog post with those speech balloons! The eagle does look perturbed with its ruffled feathers!

  5. A fantastic outing captured with great photos! And thanks for the laughs with the speech balloons (that poor eagle definitely needed some hairspray to tame its feathers 🤪). ❤️Norma

    1. I hoped others would laugh as I did when I saw some of my captures!


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