Sunday, September 15, 2024

Elliston Park September 15, 2024

As the weekend approached and after checking my kilometres covered so far this year, I put a plan in place and went on a mission!  I was a few klicks shy of 1800 kms covered. My goal for 2024 is to cover 2024 kilometres. After being "out & about" today, I have reached 1810 kms. And I say "it's alright!"  

This was my first time for visiting Elliston Park!  I had an idea of what to expect after looking at a few photos.  It far exceeded my expectations! It shows as a popular place on eBird with more duck sightings than bird sightings.  I arrived with a few minutes to spare until sunrise. 

I waited!

I watched!

A new day has dawned bringing with it hope & promise for all that is good 
along with a lovely reflection! 

Before hitting the trail that circumnavigates the waters' edge, I admired the colourful surroundings.  I like shadow shots especially if they make me chuckle or in this case, make me ponder!  I examined it before taking the photo.  It looked odd, odd enough that I looked behind me to see if someone was there.  The dark shadow is me from head to toe and the light shadow above it is also of me but a short version from head to toe. A double shadow shot!  How does that even happen!  

Enough with the shadow shot, now it was time to walk the trail around the lake.  Talk about ducks!  Yes, let's talk about ducks!  They were plentiful, a good variety, some swimming close to shore, glowing in the sun, bright eyed with fancy feathers.  This is a Horned Grebe.

Ruddy Duck
with water droplets on its' neck and back

Lesser Scaup

Black-necked Grebe
with water droplets on its' back

Greater Yellowlegs
with water droplets coming off its' beak

There were a few other species of ducks but I did not get good photos.  When I entered the forest trails, the birds' songs were plentiful but I did not spend much time photographing them, I just watched and listened.  Soon the trails through the forest will have more leaves on the ground than on the trees and you know what that means!  Swish! Swish! Swish!

 into the forest I go, to......

on the verge of entering Autumn means colour galore

Oh my, another location with Siberian Larch trees!  There were a few here, from centre front and to the left. I may need to come back here within the next couple of weeks to witness the prime time show.

Sigh!  Oh Mother Nature, you work such wonders!

a beautiful line up

The shades of end of summer are such a tease of what is to transpire over the next couple of weeks! From the gorgeous sunrise shades to the duck sightings to the variety of trees' hues, I came away feeling the hope & promise for the new day was fulfilled!   And I say "it's alright!" 


  1. Beautiful sunrise and lovely landscapes. Great captures of the ducks, grebe and the yellowlegs. I love the long shadow shot too. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  2. Amazing photos! I keep my fingers crossed that you will reach your walking goal.

    1. Thank You! My hope is to reach my goal long before the end of the year!

  3. Replies
    1. So much colour to look forward to over the next couple of weeks here!

  4. Didn’t realize Elliston Park was that nice! And cool double shadow photo. I have no doubt whatsoever you’ll reach your 2024km goal. ❤️Norma

    1. I was surprised how pretty it was! It may not be as nice during a different season!


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