Thursday, August 18, 2022

Waterton Lakes National Park "Upper & Middle Rowe Lakes" August 18, 2022

Today was forecasted to be the hottest day so far during my escape to Waterton!  Even though, I still wanted to hike and get up there but I would be content with not too far up there this time.  Making the Upper Rowe Lake as my destination would fit the bill of what I wanted.  I wanted to hike to a lake where I could treat my feet to time in cool soothing mountain water.  

While I did not see a bear, nor deer during this morning's drive, I did have to stop to let a young male mountain sheep cross the road.  

There were three vehicles in the parking lot when I arrived, two of which looked like then could have been there overnight.  I was prepared for being very vocal.
cleaning my boots before hitting the trail
I hiked up here last September when the autumn shades were at their prime.  Today, bright vibrant green was the prime shade with other summer splashes scattered here and there.  The foliage was full making the trail narrower and because there were loads of blind spots, I remained loud and vigilant.    
It was hot from the get-go! 
This is the junction, left takes you to Lower Rowe Lake and straight takes you to the Upper Rowe Lake or Lineham Ridge.  I had been to the Lower Lake before and was not interested in seeing it today.  My goal was to reach the Upper Lake.  I took a short break here for a snack and then carried on straight.  
view along the trail
The sky was so blue, the sun so hot, the ground so dry!  The fire danger rating is set at extreme.  The wildflowers were plentiful but they were a bit past their prime.  I found this one Paintbrush that looked full and healthy but it was about the only one that looked that way.
a bouquet of showy fleabane
After crossing this bridge and rounding the corner came the next junction, left takes you to Upper Rowe Lake and right leads you to the trail up to Lineham Ridge which is along that red ridge.  I have never been up to Lineham Ridge but would like to go there some day.  Ideal conditions for me to do that would be little wind and not hot.   
yellow columbine
Some call it "Hippie on a Stick" while the real name is Western Pasque.
It is this stretch where the main elevation to the Upper Rowe Lake is made along a few switchbacks.  
This is the view behind me while ascending. 
I love this scene of Lineham Ridge across the way and the meadow I hiked through before the switchbacks began.  You can see the trail through the meadow and also the trail higher up at the left that leads to Lineham.  I could see no one behind me crossing the meadow nor anyone traversing their way to Lineham Ridge 
When I arrived at Upper Rowe Lake, I cased out the area and saw the coast was clear then began to hike to the far side which is where I am here. I arrived at the Lake through the forest mid centre in the photo.
At this location there are three flat rocks that are perfect for sitting on,  They are close to the water and offer this gorgeous view.  Before doing anything, I did what I came here for, I made my fantasy come true!   In reality though, the water was not cold nor was it cool, it was quite warm. It was still refreshing and felt wonderful to stand in it!
After accomplishing my goal, I then sat on the flat rocks and let my feet air dry while enjoying some sweet and salty snacks.  I had this amazing view while doing so.  I could also see if anyone else was arriving which did not happen while I was there.  
While heading back to leave the lake, the reflection of the trees in the water caught my attention.
I read about there being a Middle Rowe Lake and on the gem trek map it shows a third lake yet there are no signs indicating it.  I saw water through the trees a few minutes before arriving at the Upper Lake so upon my return, I watched for that water and then spotted a faint trail.  I followed the trail down hill which comes out to the right of that rock section middle left.  This is the view back after walking around a portion of this Middle Rowe Lake.  What a beautiful Lake!  For me it is much nicer than the Lower Lake and on par with the Upper Lake. 
another view of Middle Rowe Lake
I did not bother to put my feet in the Middle Lake but will do so during another visit maybe next summer.  Instead I began the hike back up from the lake to the main trail then began the descent along the switchbacks down to the meadow.  This is the view at the bridge just before crossing the meadow.  By now I was meeting many other hikers.
an American Robin with a snack
I was thankful the elevation was behind me and it was all flat or gradual down hill from here on in.  It felt like it was the hottest day so far this week.  This was the view ahead as I slowly and surely made my way along.  
Like other days, when I got back to the townsite, I enjoyed being by the water or sitting in my rocking chair in the shade with my feet up sipping a cold one.  

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