Sunday, December 31, 2023

Documenting December 31, 2023

Today did not transpire as I hoped it would! I left my home early to be witness to the last sunrise of 2023 up on Nose Hill.  Little did I know what would be facing me when I arrived back home after the hike.  I had a message that my friend Marg had passed away from covid last night, not long after being rushed to the hospital.  We spoke on the phone just before Christmas and we emailed on Christmas morning.  The plan as always was to be in touch on New Year's Day and then make a plan to get together when things settled down after all the festive hustle and bustle.  We were friends for 39 years.  I spent the past few hours going through my photos and created this collage of a very few of the special times we shared.  I feel overwhelmed with sadness, I feel angry that after all the masking, vaccinating, social distancing and staying safe, covid still took her from me.  How will I kick of the first day of the New Year, I will be "out & about" thinking of Marg and maybe I will feel her with me!   

It was an absolutely gorgeous morning up on Nose Hill, I will enjoy the photos another day!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

last painting for 2023

 "Whatever makes you happy, you put in your world."  

Over the past few days, I have been roughing out a sketch to turn into a watercolour painting.  Also over the last few days, I have been reminiscing about 2023 and contemplating 2024.  The roughing out, the reminiscing and the contemplating all began to intertwine! It lead to a Bob Ross 'ism' coming to mind.  "Whatever makes you happy, you put into your world."  That sounds like a great New Year's Resolution!  

This is my final watercolour painting for this year.  My intentions were to paint a scene from the hike I did in Banff on December 12th using the reference photos I included below.  Those scenes alone included a few of my favourite things such as mountains, forests, rivers and snow.  I sketched out the initial draft, examined it, I felt it needed more.  I thought why not throw in a lovely little skater, then why not turn the water into ice, then why not add a few fluffy flurries!  Those additional items are things that make me happy.

This is my kind of world, it is what I made it, to make me happy!

my reference photos

There is lots in each of our lives and in our world that we have no control over.  Through and beyond all that, I wish you much success with finding ways to make your world in 2024 a happy one for you and for those you hold close to your heart!  

Happy  New  Year !

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Chasing the "Cold Moon" December 27, 2023

Two reasons got me out the door this morning!  One was when I got out of bed and made my coffee, I then signed up for the Grand Canyon Virtual Challenge which is 451 kms in distance and I picked a time frame of three months to complete it, with the start date being today.  The second reason that got me out the door was to chase the Cold Moon.  The full moon was last night but I chose this morning to chase it. The last time a full moon appeared around Christmas-time was in 2015, the next time will be in 2034.  This full moon is also  known as the Long Night Moon as it rises during the longest nights of the year and is above the horizon longer than any other moon.  The Cold Moon is also the moon that you see in photos with Santa Claus and his reindeer flying in front of it.  

The couple of days of cold and snow in the city was nice while it lasted.  We will see what the next little while has in store for us.  For now though, it is back to being mild and melty.  This is all a bit bewildering and I feel somewhat at a lose.  I have been paying particular attention to documenting this Christmas season this year, I wonder will this now be a norm or not.  

I made it up Nose Hill just as the sun began to come up over the horizon.  
I kept checking behind me because I did not want to miss it, all the while.....

.....chasing the Cold Moon in front of me!
I kept going higher so I could keep my eye on the moon.
admiring the beautiful colourful sky and that Long Night Moon
a close up of the Cold Moon taken at 8:39 am December 27, 2023

the sky was bursting with beauty in all directions 



the golden glow was lasting a long time 

a close up of the Cold Moon 
I positioned myself on a hill so it would look like the Moon was sitting on the ridge.

time to climb another hill

The Cold Moon getting ready to set until 2034!

Covering 7 kms chasing the Cold Moon was a good kick off to my Grand Canyon Virtual Challenge!


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Estrada Real Virtual Challenge COMPLETED December 26, 2023

For that mailbox to turn red and the door to drop open so I can receive my final postcard, I need to cover 14 kms to arrive at Glaura and then the last .1kms will bring me to the finish line.  To fill a bit of time on Christmas morning, I went to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary where I covered half that distance.  The cotton candy sky was a sweat treat to.....

.....welcome in Christmas Day!

Today was the first time I brought bear spray with me to the Sanctuary!  This came as a recommendation from others who had been there recently and experienced unfavourable coyote encounters.   When I think back to that sighting I had on December 10th, no doubt that was the beginnings of close encounters. This morning I did see a coyote eating a bird, when it saw me it dropped the bird and ran off.  I learned that January is the start of mating season for coyotes, so it's best to be more aware.

It was a lovely cold morning, cold with enough humidity that lots of hoar frost was on display.  

My intentions were not to stay long yet when I arrived at this location, I thought oh to just sit awhile and while away the time, but that will have to wait for another time when I have more time. 

Virtually, this was where I was for Christmas!


Today, it was time to lace up the skates again and etch my way to the finish line of the Estrada Real Challenge.  After a Christmas Day visit to the Sanctuary yesterday where I walked roughly 7 kms, today I was in need of 7.1 kms yet I covered 10.27 kms, just because it was such a gorgeous morning to be in ice.  I headed for the Ice Trail again and the groomer was just finishing up with his last round of flooding.  The moon was setting between the trees while the sun was casting that pink hue over the river and onto the Ice Trail.

first etches of the day on the freshly flooded ice

a short snippet of skating sights and sounds

When I got home from skating, I entered the distance I covered into the Virtual Challenge App then the mailbox turned red and the door dropped down revealing my final postcard.

final postcard


I will have my medal in a couple of weeks.

The route from start to finish.

four other postcards I received along the way

There is no need for time to rest after completing this virtual challenge.  I plan to be "out & about" tomorrow and will start a brand new virtual challenge to finish off this year and bring me well into the new year. 

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Skating December 24, 2023

🎶🎵  It’S TIME !!  🎵🎶 

At 8:16am on Sunday December 24, 2023, I stepped onto the Ice Trail!
Each morning I performed a daily check to see if the ice was ready at Bowness. Yesterday, the website showed it was updated late the night before stating both the Lagoon and the Ice Trail were ready.  I’ve been ready since late October with my skates sitting at the front door.  I was over-joyed to see the update and put a plan in place.  With the new snow that fell yesterday and the temperature being very cold, the view when I arrived at Bowness was of pink, light and bright!

The groomer just completed flooding the trail while the fire starter was just starting the fires.  In this photo he is hauling in a load of wood.  My plan was to get some distance in before retiring by the fire for a short stint.  As I skated, I could smell once he got the fire going, and it smelled inviting.

There was no one else skating so I took the opportunity 
to create a skating video, my first of the season.

the second fire location

I liked the first fire location better, so settled for a short while.

After taking in some fire time, I added a few more laps around the trail, each lap measures approximately 1.6 kms.  The sun was up and peeking through the tall trees that line the Ice Trail.  A few more people joined me on the trail.  I only saw them through the trees on the other side.

When I checked and saw I skated twelve kms, I thought that’s enough for the first time this season.  It was time to head on home, let the frost melt off my hair and savour a hot beverage! 

I’m so happy to be finally skating again! ⛸️

Friday, December 22, 2023

Welcoming Winter!

Winter officially arrived, yet it looks and feels like a winter I have not experienced in many decades!  This week each time when I stepped out my door to head off being "out & about", I dressed for spring-early-autumn-like weather.  Local conditions made for being able to cover kilometres quickly and easily. With that being said, today I reached my goal of covering 2023 kilometres in the year 2023.  I needed 10.56 kms, I did 10.6 kms for good measure.  

In my mind, I went where I could find snow and that was where I created it on paper with white watercolour paint, negative space and white gouache.  My references for this painting were of photos I took last week while on a get-away to Banff.  I used a photo of my new "HOPE" Christmas decoration that I hung on a tree while hiking to the Ink Pots and the other photos were two I took off the Red Fox I saw on the same trail.  I combined the muses into one painting making it my own original idea with a tweak or two here and there.  This painting evokes a sense of wonderment as the Red Fox eyes the Squirrel which is part of the decoration! 
After three test urban hikes wearing my new winter hiking/snowshoeing boots, I declare they are keepers!  Although the real test should come when I try them in snow.  These boots are hard to come by, only being sold directly by the manufacturer or at the odd store.  I was lucky to find them in Banff last week and the only pair they had were in the size I needed and on sale as a final sale.  They have great grip, the loop for the gaiter attachment, the bar at the back for the snowshoe strap to rest upon and the most important makings for warmth to the degrees I need them to be.  

The sunrises this week have been beautiful!  

On this day, the sun shone brightly creating long shadows on the shortest day of the year!

On this day, I arrived at Split Rock as the sun began to peek around the sharp edge!  

This is what we are in for locally!  There is a blip for early tomorrow morning for a few hours. 
We will see what transpires as it could make or break us having a white Christmas.   

Two of my blogging friends are unknowingly "influencers"!  Both "Walking with Friends Down Under" in Australia, and "Coastal Ripples" on the island of Jersey crocheted/knitted blankets.  Their recent postings about these blankets grabbed my attention.  I have time, capacity and interest in continuing to learn so I jumped on through this new door that opened with wide open arms.  My goal is a blanket!  I purchased needles, a bunch of yarn, googled how to get started and this is my progress!  It will be many squares that will eventually all be attached together.   So far each square has mistakes some with many. I have lots more balls of yarn sitting to the side of this photo.  There is no deadline for completion, I just know knitting the basic stitch over and over and over again is bringing me joy!  

Virtually this is where I hiked today in Brazil.  I have 32.6 kms left to reach the finish line of the Estrada Real Virtual Challenge.  My goal is to complete it before the end of the year and I am pretty positive that will not be a problem to do.  The Conqueror People have presented four more new challenges this week, three of which appeal to me.  I will begin the new year tackling one of them.   

My skates still sit at the front door.  There may be a miracle in the next few days or so and I will get to skate for the first time this season!  All it takes is for winter to truly feel and look like winter and for ice to be ready!