Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Chasing the "Cold Moon" December 27, 2023

Two reasons got me out the door this morning!  One was when I got out of bed and made my coffee, I then signed up for the Grand Canyon Virtual Challenge which is 451 kms in distance and I picked a time frame of three months to complete it, with the start date being today.  The second reason that got me out the door was to chase the Cold Moon.  The full moon was last night but I chose this morning to chase it. The last time a full moon appeared around Christmas-time was in 2015, the next time will be in 2034.  This full moon is also  known as the Long Night Moon as it rises during the longest nights of the year and is above the horizon longer than any other moon.  The Cold Moon is also the moon that you see in photos with Santa Claus and his reindeer flying in front of it.  

The couple of days of cold and snow in the city was nice while it lasted.  We will see what the next little while has in store for us.  For now though, it is back to being mild and melty.  This is all a bit bewildering and I feel somewhat at a lose.  I have been paying particular attention to documenting this Christmas season this year, I wonder will this now be a norm or not.  

I made it up Nose Hill just as the sun began to come up over the horizon.  
I kept checking behind me because I did not want to miss it, all the while.....

.....chasing the Cold Moon in front of me!
I kept going higher so I could keep my eye on the moon.
admiring the beautiful colourful sky and that Long Night Moon
a close up of the Cold Moon taken at 8:39 am December 27, 2023

the sky was bursting with beauty in all directions 



the golden glow was lasting a long time 

a close up of the Cold Moon 
I positioned myself on a hill so it would look like the Moon was sitting on the ridge.

time to climb another hill

The Cold Moon getting ready to set until 2034!

Covering 7 kms chasing the Cold Moon was a good kick off to my Grand Canyon Virtual Challenge!



  1. Awesome photos. I like nose hill.

    1. Thank You! I like that place a lot! It's city centre but can feel worlds away from the hustle and bustle.

  2. What a beautiful moon it is! It's not easy to take photos of the moon so clear as you successfully did.

    1. You would not believe how many photos I took of that moon but only a few turned out. You are right, it is not easy.

  3. You captured some beautiful sky photos! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank You! I went for the moon and got much more than expected! Happy New Year Linda!

  4. Magical. Too stormy to even think of looking for the moon here.

    1. Hopefully that storm passes leaving only good and a rainbow!

    2. Alas, the weather Gods have other plans.

  5. Fabulous photos. Looks like you had a lovely walk keeping the moon in your sights. B x

    1. It kept me moving in its direction yet with my feet firmly planted!


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