Tuesday, December 5, 2023

documenting these days

A vision like this danced in my head!  Surely it WILL be a reality but only in my mind today and only by painting it on paper were there snow flurries!  I used a tutorial to come up with this idea where I got to use masking fluid, daubers and splatters to create something seasonal, cheerful and bright. 

It was forecasted for today and it happened! These temperatures are listed in celsius with the pink highlighting the high for today.  Golf courses opened, the postman showed up in a short sleeve shirt and shorts, a grass fire was sparked, I opened windows, all these occurrences almost never happen in December.   I like to go back and read my blogs posts for the same day in past years and this is a reason for including all this weather talk. 

today's actuals versus historical averages

Today I reached just over the 30 kms mark along the Estrada Real Virtual Challenge.  I checked the map to see what it showed for where my marker was.  This is a sweeping view from the short distance off the trail.  This photo is from google maps. 
The Conqueror Map shows me hiking along a tree-lined dirt trail.  
I checked the weather for this area for today and it was posted at the mid +20s C and sunny.  

I unlocked an "Explore the Area" feature which offered this story and photos.

I had a couple of free hours today to be "out & about", so I went "out & about" up on Nose Hill.  Today it looked like I never saw it look before in December.  It was baron and dry with cracked trails.  This was my sweeping view. 
These are two of the trails I hiked along.  Just like along the Estrada Real today, the trails were dirt and tree-lined.  When there are no leaves on the trees, there should be snow on the ground.  When there is no snow on the ground, the trees should have leaves or at least buds.  These conditions made for very easy, quick movement.  All this being said, I still saw the beauty, I made sure to see it!  

Conditions were similar earlier in the week when I walked from Carburn Park to Beaverdam Flats.  

Carburn Park

Beaverdam Flats

Trumpeter Swans in the Bow River along the section located between the two parks. 

These two photos are from skating along The Ice Trail on December 4th last year.  
There will be no skating here any time soon this year, maybe not even this year!   

I know I can have all I am hoping for just an hour and a half west into the mountains.  
I have a plan in place for the not too distant future.  


  1. Curious that it’s so warm for you at the moment. Your paths still look interesting despite lack of snow. I’m intrigued to hear what you have planned. It sounds like it might be snowy :) B x

    1. Right now as I reply to your comment, we are in the midst of a snowfall warning and the flurries have started!

  2. A sad beauty today, Aleaxandra. So glad it is snowing. May it continue long and hard! Your watercolour is joyous!

    1. I see the joy in that watercolour too! I am loving this snow while it is happening and here! With a warm front on the way in, the snow in the city will be gone in a day or two.

  3. I notice many orbs in your painting. Aren't they?
    The orbs are something of magic, they often appears in our photos in the dark.

    1. Those circles in the painting are called "bokeh" effect. In photographs they are the blurry, out of focus, circles that area created from the camera lens reflecting the light. I am familiar with "orbs" and had an experience with them once a couple of decades ago when I was going through a down, dark time in my life. A friend who was with me explained what was occurring as I had never heard of orbs before.

  4. Hi Alexandra, I love your opening image. This is just my take on things, but I think you should set up an online shop to offer some of your art for sale. Yes, I like it that much. 😊 Nice mention of the weather and using your blog for historical comparisons. Congrats on your progress with Estrada Real Virtual Challenge. Thanks for the neat pics from Nose Hill. John

    1. I painted some things for friends for free, selling it puts too much pressure on for perfection. You mentioned in a previous comment a while back that you were working on a virtual challenge, I hope yours is going well. If I remember, it was one of the longer challenges.

    2. Wow, you have a great memory and, yes, I'm doing the Pacific Crest Trail. It was my first virtual challenge and I made the mistake of not asking for my daily steps to be included. So, as I understand it (and I may not) it is only recording distances when I start a "track me" on my Garmin watch. For several reasons, I've not been out as much as I should have been on those kind of hikes/walks. Right now, I have completed 355.34 miles of the PCT with 2130.12 miles remaining. Lets go for completion in 2025! :-) Thank goodness I completed other challenges on time by including my daily steps. Wishing you a happy weekend! John

  5. The differences between last year and this year are shocking! Even so, beautiful photos.

    1. Well, now it looks and feels like it should for December, lots of snow, nippy on the nose and roads like skating rinks! This kind of winter wonderland beauty is what I like!


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