Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Enjoying The Foothills

It rained last night!  That is noteworthy enough to state!  The rain left conditions making it absolutely necessary to use my car lights in assisting to find my way through the dense fog down that narrow winding dirt road to the parking lot at Glenbow Ranch.  Walking the two minutes from where I parked my car to the trail head was erie!  Into the woods I go......!
While I heard lots, I could see nothing, until...something flew right overhead then landed in a tree almost right before my eyes.  This Great Horned Owl spied me and kept its eyes on me until I was out of sight, which was not that far down the trail given the level of visibility through the dense fog.  I carried on keeping a watchful eye as best I could.  
A bit of brightness came when I used my flash to captured this shot of an aging wildflower.  It continued to feel erie while I walked through the fog, I could hear birds of prey but could not see them, until..... 
.....I came to an open section and something flew over head back and forth, screeching like I never heard before. Not far ahead of me this Juvenile Bald Eagle landed on a bunch of bricks.  It watched me and watched something else.  I carried on feeling I wanted away from this location as quick as possible.
rain drops hung from almost everything they could hang from
By the time I reached the pond, some of the fog began to lift and I could see a bit better.  This muskrat was going about its morning routine oblivious to me being there.  It appeared there was something around its snout. I was thankful the fog was lifting and I could see my surroundings.
Then just like that, the fog rolled in again. 
It was the white rumps of these deer that was the most visible. 
Then, just like that, blue began to appear in the sky!  
Whew!  Now I could really see my surroundings!

a Mom and her two fawns scurrying away as I approached
the fog rolling away
Once the fog totally lifted, I was presented with gorgeous views.
autumn shades are showing 

After covering 13 kms, I was ready to hit that hill back up to the parking lot.


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