Monday, August 26, 2024

Glacier National Park Montana Day 1 August 26, 2024

Beaver Pond Trail & Red Eagle Lake Loop, St Mary
August 26, 2024

On Friday I finally gave into the thought of venturing back to Many Glacier in Glacier National Park so throughout the day checked for availability at Swift Current Motor Inn.  That’s where I stayed in early August.  I needed somebody to cancel last minute but that was not happening.  Before heading to bed on Friday night, the stars aligned, I checked the Motor Inn website, there was a three night availability!  I jumped on it!  

Fast forward to Monday morning, off I go with my three night reservation, online purchased National Park Pass, the food I need which I am permitted to bring making sure to declare it, hiking gear, and my Nexus Card allowing for a very easy border crossing.  

By 11:00am I pulled into the Beaver Pond/Red Eagle Lake trailhead parking lot just before the entrance gate to St Mary.  It was a shorter hike yet the perfect distance to stretch my legs and pass a couple of hours. I did the hike in a clockwise direction which would bring me to the shore of St Mary Lake off the Red Eagle Lake Trail, near the end of the hike, just in time for a late lunch.

This was my view from the parking lot.  It was windy plus cool with a blue sky.

The beginning of the trail was very over grown which I was prepared for.  
There was a couple ahead of me who I saw off and on through the brush. 

Once through the dense brush, it was wide open for the balance of the hike.

view ahead of me

The views were vast due to the Reynolds Creek wildfire of 2015.

This is why it is called the Beaver Pond Trail! A detour takes you to the shore and there is a path along the Pond to the far end. This area is very popular for birding.  I heard lots of songs but did not spend time focusing on them.  
a Ring-necked Duck
Leaving the Pond behind, 
the Beaver Pond Trail aims for the intersection with Red Eagle Trail.  

crossed the meadow to meet up with the Red Eagle Trail

Views of St Mary Lake came into sight while hiking along the Red Eagle Trail. This trail followed along the ridge line through the burnt forest and eventually dropped down to lake level.

There were a few trails that lead down to St Mary Lake.  This is the view I had when I arrived.  It was windy enough to create waves yet it was now a warm wind. 

After capturing my location photo and the video, I became one with the rocks and the water as much as I safely could to get this photograph.  
There were many large rocks and logs to comfortably sit on.  I found one and settled in for awhile to enjoy a late lunch and the scenery.  While dining this Osprey flew back and forth and hoovered over top.  I prayed it was not eyeing my lunch. Then another Osprey swooped in and they flew off together.  
looking back as I left St Mary Lake behind and continued on with the hike

By the time I finished the hike, it was time to stop by the grocery story for a couple of items and then drive to Many Glacier to check into my home away from home.

Last time I had a Pine Top Room, this time I got a Motor Inn Room. After checking in, unpacking, getting ice, it was time to settle on my porch bench and breathe in the Many Glacier fresh mountain air!

It was time too, to crack open a "Huck It" Blonde Ale!

view from the path to my room

It was a long day so I made it an early night!


  1. Glorious, clear blue skys. Love the photo of the wave on the lake (a future painting perhaps?). ❤️Norma

    1. I like that photo too and it does call me to paint it! I did paint Iceberg Lake!

  2. Long but stimulating and rewarding. Glorious views and hike.


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