Thursday, August 15, 2024

over the Sturgeon Moon

The full moon for August is called the Sturgeon Moon and will be full on Monday, August 19, 2024 at 12:26 PM Mountain Time, yes PM not AM.  It will appear full from Sunday night through to Tuesday morning.  According to the Almanac The name Sturgeon Moon comes from the giant lake sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain; this native freshwater fish was readily caught during this part of summer and an important food staple for Native Americans who lived in the region. At one time the lake sturgeon was quite abundant in late summer, though they are rarer today.

This is the first Supermoon of the year, there will be four this year.  Not only is it a Supermoon but it is a Blue Moon too!  These articles explain a bit about a Supermoon and why a Blue Moon is special.  Both are copied from USA Today.

This is my watercolour painting of the Sturgeon Moon, it will represent August in my 2025 Calendar.  That is a sturgeon fish in the moon, not a rocket!  I had issues with making the shape even though I drew a good shape, filled it with masking fluid, painted around the shape, removed the masking fluid then painted the fish.  The paint was too watery and ran.  I tried a few times to make corrections then gave up.  I see a fish!  I see a fish!  I see a fish!  

These are my reference photos.  

They were taken at Confluence Park at various times during the month of August in previous years. 

Wherever I am between the night of August 18 through to the morning of August 20, 

I will be over the moon if I get to witness the full Sturgeon Moon!


  1. Pretty sketches and images. I hope to see the full moon, but it could be cloudy here. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

    1. I hope you get to the see the full moon! It seems there could be a better opportunity with it being spread over a longer period of time of when it will appear full.

  2. I had a little laugh to myself, when I read the title of this post. I don't seem to be able to keep up with the moon' s cycle these days. Last night I was returning from our neighbours and spotted the moon, and thought, it must be close to being full. I came in and immediately checked. Yes, Monday night. Thanks for all the additional information and your lovely watercolour.

    1. I was never as up on the moon cycle as I am this year thanks to creating the paintings for each month to make a calendar. I am learning so much about the moon! I hope you get to see the moon on Monday!


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