Saturday, August 3, 2024

Morning Moments at Many Glacier, Glacier National Park, Montana August 3, 2024

I said good-bye to my sweet home away from home at Swift Current this morning!  Until next year maybe!  Living the lifestyle that I live, I have the time to monitor for last minute accommodation cancellations and would be able to be on the road with a couple of days notice.  Now that I know how all the reservations and road time slots work, who knows, I will think about it next summer.  

On the drive out the Many Glacier Road, I pulled into where the Many Glacier Hotel is to take in the scenery and capture some morning reflections.  This is the view from the parking lot looking down onto the Hotel sitting on the shore of Swift Current Lake.  

On one of my past visits to Glacier National Park, I snapped up a last minute cancellation for one night at the hotel.  I remember loving my little room with the clawfoot bathtub.  

After strolling through the lobby of the Hotel, I landed on the short of Swiftcurrent Lake with this view of Mount Grinnell reflecting in the lake. Many people were lined along the shore doing the same thing I was. 

Even with all the people there, it was still so very peaceful.  
We were all savouring the scene!

taking it all in

How lovely a morning it was!  But, it was time to hit the road home.  
I opted to return to Canada via the Piegan Border Crossing.  

I brought home wonderful memories from my visit to both Waterton Lakes and Glacier National Parks, a beautiful International Peace Park! 


  1. Alexandra, I just took a look at your posts of July 29, 30, Aug 1, 2, and 3. Lots of really great photos! Loved to hear you met a couple from Seattle on one of your hikes! 😊 I hope you told them about your blog. Really enjoyed seeing you hoist a piece of Grinnell Glacier shaped like a heart. The sad part is how much of the Glacier has melted since your previous visit in ’16. Did you think about how it is being affected by climate change? Thanks for sharing your journey! John

    1. I have thought about climate change quite a bit lately especially when I was looking for a place to visit for a few days. I would not be taking an August trip to Jasper due to the wildfires, the excessive heat in Calgary has been exhausting it might be time to get air conditioning of some sort, I don't remember what it feels like to walk in rain or even see rain fall, reading the stories of the affect on glaciers when the ash from the wildfires falls on them. I knew the Grinnell Glacier would be smaller after all these years. After picking up the small piece of the glacier from the lake, for a few seconds I thought maybe I should not have when it already began to melt in my hands!

    2. I share your concerns, but don't worry about the piece of glacier ice ... it would have melted soon anyway. It's interesting to me to wonder how old that ice was. Could it have been formed thousands of years ago? Thank you for your replies to comments.

    3. When I was googling about going back to Glacier, I came upon this site that shows some comparison photos of the glacier.

  2. Cool how the mountains and prairies meet there.

    1. That is a cool thing how they meet! This time on the drive home, I could not see our mountains through the haze and smoke!

  3. A stunning but peaceful morning!

    1. A great morning to create final memories from as I got ready to head home!


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