There are still a handful of locations that I would like to crocus hunt at but Glenbow Ranch will be my last where I purposely go just for that reason. The crocuses are at their prime right now but I have other places to go and other sights to savour. We are experiencing unusually hot weather for being on the cusp of the end of April. It has not been this hot since the early 1900's. It is tinder dry locally yet the snow level is deep in the mountains with extreme avalanche warnings remaining in place.
Friday, April 28, 2023
Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park
Thursday, April 27, 2023
spring in full bloom
Spring being in full bloom means many things! A variety of birds are arriving from the south on a daily basis, crocuses are in their prime and other wildflowers are beginning to appear. What it also means is that in the city along with the rain comes snow yet it is all snow falling in the mountains. Avalanche ratings are high or extreme and the warnings are out.
For bird sightings I visited Dale Hodges Park then Bowmont Park for the crocuses. This is my first sighting this season of a Yellow-Rumped Warbler. I was surprised how close I was able to get to it. I also saw one Yellow-Headed Blackbird, a Killdeer and dozens of Male Red-Winged Blackbirds. What I learned from the last course I took, was that male birds migrate first and look for a good spot for females to lay eggs. When the females arrive the males woo them with their nesting locations and the female will pick the male that presents the best nesting spot.
Today's sights and sounds presented spring at its best!
There was a section of Confluence Park that I had not gone to yet to hunt crocuses. They were so delightful on this day. The backdrop of a beautiful sky certainly helps were their presentation. There were so many in various stages of life, scattered everywhere on the slopes and in the middle of meadowy areas. Many were fully or partially poking through ground cover. I became picky and went for those that were fully exposed. It was less work to photograph them.
Monday, April 24, 2023
celebrating nature and earth every day
What is it that makes me appreciate nature more and more as time passes?
The last time I was at Carburn Park, skating was still in full swing. A small portion of the pond is now open water yet a large part remains covered in ice and snow. From my memories of being here last spring, it is a popular place for the birds to hang out during the warmer months. My hopes were to see some new seasonal visitors.
Oh my neck! This is what it took from the House Finch to get a clear vision of what I was. There were a few males and females on the ground foraging for food but it was this guy that I paid attention to as he monitored me.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Wintry Crocus Collection
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Today's Crocus Collection
After a couple more hours today covering eight kilometres, I came away with another beautiful collection of crocuses. The klicks go by slowly when I am on the hunt. I had insider information the crocuses were now plentiful here so off I went to verify the truth of that statement.