Thursday, October 3, 2024

Upper Rowe Lake Waterton Lakes National Park October 3, 2024

Just over two months ago I hiked to Upper Rowe Lake so going there again today seemed too soon but I knew I would be in for a much different experience so felt it would be well worth it.  This is the hike to do in Waterton if you want to see Larch Trees and now is the time to go if you want to see them in their glory.   The parking lot was empty when I arrived at 8:30am.  What are the odds of that happening during prime time Larch season!  

My main focus for today was to get to Upper Rowe Lake and spend lots of time admiring the scenery there.  I did not take many photos on the way there but could not pass up snapping shots of scenes like this. 

a Spruce Grouse
Do they bulk up for winter?  
This one looked very healthy!

As I began the long switchbacks up, the Larch Trees became abundant and I was ecstatic to see them in their prime.  Some needles were on the ground lining the trail which made the views even prettier.  I followed the trail towards the Lake knowing no one else was here and while I was ascending the switchbacks I could see no one in sight behind me.  What are the odds of that happening during prime Larch season!  I will let the following photos speak on the beauty!

I arrived at the Lake around 11:00am and stayed until noon, during which time no one else showed up.  I had the place to myself for an entire hour.  What are the odds of that happening during prime Larch season! This was my lunch time view.  I settled in on my thermarest cushioned pad, savoured a hot beverage and sandwich but most of all I savoured the scenery!  

After a couple of minutes from leaving the Lake for the return hike, I began to meet others who were on their way there.  It total I met only fifteen hikers over the next hour or so who were heading up.  What are the odds of that happening during prime Larch season!   I also met another Spruce Grouse!

On the descent, I took my time and captured more photos of the beautiful autumn shades.

The forecast is for high winds in Waterton on Friday which no doubt will blow needles off the Larch Trees.  That’s when the ground will turn beautiful but the trees not so much.  Between this hike today and my hike up on Sunshine/Simpson/Healy on September 21st, I feel fulfilled with my Larch Trees experiences!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Snowshoe Trail Waterton Lakes National Park October 2, 2024

Over the past couple of weeks, Waterton has been winding down for the winter season.  The balance of the winding down will occur on Thanksgiving Monday the 14th.  I was checking accommodations on a daily basis recently with hopes of one last visit before winter season.  A vacancy showed up and I grabbed it!  The weather is forecasted for perfect and the autumn shades are prime.  It’s go time!  

view before driving down the hill towards the Park entrance

driving through the Buffalo Paddock

the Buffalo roam

watching the Buffalo from the safety of my vehicle 

driving along the Red Rock Parkway

further along the Red Rock Parkway 

This is my first time being in Waterton Lakes National Park in October. Most businesses are still open with shorten hours, the colours are incredible and it is past tourist season.  There were a dozen vehicles at the Red Rock Canyon parking lot when I arrived.  It’s nice to know there are a few people around.  Being around noon time, I was not about to set off on a lengthy hike so opted for a few kms down the Snowshoe Trail which I have never done before.

Right near the start, there was lots going on right in front of me!  I first heard something then saw this.  This Ruffed Grouse was blending in with the ground and the leaves, the leaves were moving as the Grouse fanned its’ tail feathers, it was strutting in circles and then flew off.  

The following photos are views along the trail.

There were many birds along the trail.  I saw Robins, Mountain Chickadees, Black-capped Chickadees, Woodpeckers and this Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  They migrate to the southern US states and into Mexico.  You better get going girl!  

a male Hairy Woodpecker 

I hiked an hour in and then returned the way I came.  

checking into my home away from home