Friday, October 4, 2024

Waterton Lakes National Park October 4, 2024 afternoon

After fueling up, I was ready to go again!  The wind was wild in the townsite yet I braced against it and went for it.  From the Linnet Lake parking lot, I took the trail on the left of the hill that followed Lower Waterton Lake.
looking back from where I came 
The trail ascended and then came out into the open before descending.  From here I debated whether to descend to the shore due to the strong gusts.  I was facing into the wind and it was so strong it was pushing the collar and zipper of my jacket into my neck causing discomfort. But, the view ahead was wildly beautiful so I pushed on.  

I arrived at the shore and the wind was even wilder here!  I had to hold on to my bandanna on my head, I could feel it lifting off!  The wind threw me off balance a few times, but, it was oh so wildly beautiful here!  

I have a video to include here which I will add later.  The wind gusts were becoming stronger and I was beginning to not feel safe so I began hiking back.  At the high point on the trail, it was necessary to hunker down low a couple of times so I would not end up in the Lake. This was the view in the way back.

Whew!  I made it back to the parking lot.  Before leaving, I did the little hike around Linnet Lake.  It was lower in elevation and mostly sheltered. 
view of the Prince of Wales Hotel which is closed for the season
view of Linnet Lake
view along the trail

Next on my agenda was to drive back up the Akamina Parkway to hike the Cameron Lakeshore Trail.  It was not as gusty up here and even less so while hiking the sheltered trail.  I took this photo from the head of the Lake before hitting the trail.
view looking at the mountains in the United States
 view along the trail
Somebody was trying to be funny!  They picked of two pieces of bark to make it look like there were two eyes!  Those paired with the shape of the top, it does look like a black bear at a first quick glance!  

After completing the Cameron Lakeshore Trail, I had one thing left in my agenda for today.  I drove back to my home away from away, dropped off most of my stuff then headed off to walk around the Townsite.  It was crazy windy, not many people were out and about, especially along the Upper Waterton Lake trail.  Following are a few of the many special seconds in time that I captured.



  1. It can be very windy at Waterton. Awesome photos.

  2. So glad you were brave & ventured out despite the winds; you captured some amazing photos & special moments. And glad the know that was not a bear …it was my initial reaction! ❤️Norma


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