The Cabot Trail Virtual Challenge is just under 300kms in total so with 220.4kms completed to end of day February 15th, I am beginning to get a taste of the finish line. I saw photos of other participants with their medals and that gives me motivation to keep going. I want mine!
The red line is what I have ahead of me to Baddeck and the finish line.
The red marker on the top right is my pacer who I have left in the dust.
I just passed by some of the best scenery along The Cabot Trail.
These are a few of the virtual views along the way. I was in this area back in September of 2016 and we stayed at the cabins in the photo. We hiked the Skyline Trail having the view in the middle right photo from along the trail. We also stopped at all the scenic spots along the drive. This is such a beautiful place and even more so in October when all the leaves have changed to red, yellow, gold and orange.
on that September day when we hiked the Skyline Trail
I already know I want to work on another challenge once I complete The Cabot Trail.
These are my options.

Going well! It will be difficult to select your next race destination.