Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Brown Lowery Provincial Park July 6, 2021

Back in March of 2013 I hiked through Brown Lowery for the first time and only time.  I remember not being too impressed and that was why it remained off my list to go again.  Fast forward to 2021 to when I have a whole new outlook on what appeals to my senses, plus it being a different season with gorgeous weather, it was time to rediscover these trail.  

My hope was to see wildflowers and birds.  I heard many birds of a large variety and even though I saw lots, they were too quick for me to capture photos.  They were ones I had not seen before so I was disappointed to not get clear enough shots.  As for the wildflowers, well that was a different story!   

Everything that could have dew drops, had dew drops!  
It was warm, it was humid, thankfully there were lots of tall trees to provide shelter!
The green came in all shapes and sizes and shades!
paintbrush lined the trail
a wild rose
I did have success with capturing this photograph of a Three-Toed Woodpecker.   
There were two that pecked so much & so hard that it reverberated loudly through the forest.  
there were lots of western wood lilies
beside a trail near the boundary of the park
on the way to a lookout
view to the front ranges
a special spot to settle in and savour the scenery
Time came to move on down the trail. I took a look back and thought about what this could look like in autumn.  As I was leaving I met a lady who had been waiting in the wings for me to leave.  She wanted her own time alone at this special spot.
common harebell 
fragile looking but tenacious
pretty in pink (don't know the name)
The trees and ground cover were so fully grown and so full of moisture.  This made for canopy like covers  along the way.  It contributed to there being so much vibrant green.   I mentioned early on that everything that could have dew drops, had dew drops.  There was so much moisture that...
....the lower parts of my pants were drenched and I found out my old boots are no longer waterproof!
I covered a few different trails in the couple of hours here and as it neared noon, I decided to work my way back to the long boardwalk that leads to the parking lot then head on home.  Along this section I met a man just beginning his hike.  The whole time I saw two other hikers yet when I arrived at the parking lot, it was full.   

I have a whole new appreciation for this provincial park!


  1. What a beautiful place..so glad you went back! And that bench is in a perfect spot…lovely view. Norma


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