Thursday, July 29, 2021

Waterton Lakes National Park Birds July 29, 2021

When I made plans to hike, sight-see and relax in Waterton Lakes National Park for a few days, it crossed my mind that I might spy birds of a different feather.  I heard different songs there than I have in other places I have been since I got caught up in the life of birds.  I was fortunate to see many but not fortunate enough to get clear shots of them all or even quick enough to capture any kind of shot of some.  I had to tap into my patience which took some work as patience is not my forte.  After arriving back home, it then took time and patience to identify the birds.   When I think of the word "lifer" I think of an event or occasion that marks a big acknowledgement.  In birding it means seeing a bird species for the first time.  Well, I have experienced many "lifers' over the past number of months and even a few on this visit to Waterton.

Male White-Winged Crossbill
Female White-Winged Crossbill

Female Cassin's Finch (my best guess after lots of homework)

Male Lazuli Bunting

American Robin

Townsend's Solitaire

The first four were "lifers" for me!  A couple of others that I could not get clear photos of were "lifers" but for me they don't count unless I have a photo which makes it possible to ID them.  If this birding thing keeps my interest, I know I need to put together a spreadsheet of my sightings. That's just what birders do!  


  1. Great photos of your “lifers”! Looks to me like you are hooked on this birding thing …… creating a spreadsheet is a sure sign. Norma


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