Monday, May 1, 2023

My cabin in the woods retreat! May 1, 2023

To be on the go again was what I was desiring not long after returning home from my caboose experience.  I googled and then I oogled when I saw a cabin was available for a few nights straight. I was checking in on this place for a few years but there was never vacancy when I wanted there to be, until now.  It was a perfect time to leave the city behind.  I hit the highway north and then west. Just over three hours later I arrived!  Before checking in, I checked out Abraham Lake.

view along the David Thompson Highway

view from a very short hike 

Abraham Lake

This is my cabin in the woods, the Kutenai Cabin.  It is named for the Kootenay Plains Ecological Reserve  which is located at the south end of Abraham Lake.  The spelling is derived from the original plain’s inhabitants the Kutenia people (and their language) of the Ktunaxa Nation.
There is a trail that leads from my veranda.  After settling in, I walked for just over two kilometres to see what I could see.  What a treasure I found in the mountain views, the ponds, the forests and meadows. There were benches to sit and savour the sights and sounds,

My private yard has a fire pit with all wood provided.  I relaxed by the fire before calling it a day and retreating to the comfort and coziness of my cabin in the woods.

1 comment:

  1. Now located on google maps. So glad the dates aligned for you. What a lovely fire!


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