Monday, September 27, 2021

Bottomlands to St George's Island September 27, 2021

My plan is to stay in the city this week and admire the local colour while adding kilometres to my virtual challenge.  I was not going to bother with a separate blog post of today's urban hike but then came to my senses as the worthiness is up there.  There are so many parks and paths to choose from where there would be autumn hues.  I opted to start at Bottomlands and work my way south and west.  What I saw today was exactly what I hoped to see!
view across the Bow River
My intentions were to focus on the shades but I got distracted when I heard birds singing.  I believe this Black-Capped Chickadee did not know I was right in front of him until he turned his head and looked me straight in the eye.  Then in less than a split second he was off! 
red to orange to gold to green
the morning light was ideal for capturing pretty pictures
I went back to that special spot where I was a few weeks back when the bird landed on my hand and snatched a seed. This time I admired them as they plucked their choice from the pile on the cement block.  Someone must have just placed these here.  This is a White-Breasted Nuthatch who checked me out before making his choice.  There were numerous Nuthatches and Chickadees taking their turn coming in for a snack. Watching them was great entertainment for about 30 minutes. 
wherever there was water, there were reflections
It was breezy which caused lots of leaves to fall.  
I had success with timing in catching falling leaves!
heading back to where I started my day

It is best to take advantage of these gorgeous days to get out there and admire the local colour.  As each day passes the colours will continue changing, and more leaves will fall.  I love autumn but I don't remember ever loving it as much as I have this year!  Maybe with the way our world has been, thinking has changed and some little things in life mean so much more!  🍁

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for deciding a blog post was necessary. The golden colour, blue sky and reflection is spectacular.


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