Sunday, November 15, 2020

Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park November 15, 2020

The plan for this morning was to "move it move it" some place, close by, very early, for two hours!  There was no need to rattle my brain on where to get the "move it move it" done, Glenbow Ranch spoke loud and clear!  I got there for sunrise with a bite in the air which made for swiftness in my steps.  My photos and the melodies tell this morning's story.   The Park was packed with pretty picture opportunities so that two hours turned into just short of three.  My route took me up the hills down to the valleys and over to the river then back up that hill to the end! Now with "move it move it" complete, it's time to lay down, stretch out, doze off! 

1 comment:

  1. Meanwhile, I had trouble to "Move it, move it", even with a 6am start.
    Just too hot and humid! 34C by 10am!
    8 km walked with friends but only one photo to show for our effort.
    Continue to enjoy, nature's winter beauty!


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