Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve Sunrise December 24, 2020

There was promise of pretty with potential for perfect pictures!  My choice place to observe the dawning of Christmas Eve was from a high point on Nose Hill.  I could see silhouettes up there of a few others and made my way up to join them.  I lingered a little too long on the approach admiring the surrounding shades of very early morning.  The promise of pretty transpired just below the ridge top so I settled in here to view the performance.  
I reached the high point and then carried on down the backside.  What was I thinking showing up with only my hiking boots.  Snowshoes or X-C Skis would have been ideal to cover the terrain.  Not many people had been on the secondary trails since the big snowfall and where they had been had been blown over from the chinook winds that were approaching.  I pushed through the, over my knee deep, snow.  I spent some time in the forest where I was sheltered from the wind but for the last half of my hike, I was out in the wide open being pelted by the wind and the blowing snow.  It was beautiful and I loved it!
I cut my hike short this time.  I showed up without gaiters too this morning so had layers of snow down my boots, up my pant legs and in my socks.  There was one last hill to descend in the knee deep snow with the wind at my back pushing me to go faster than I was capable of doing in the snow.  After one more last look back at the chinook sky, it was time to get this done!   

 On this day, December 24th, I make an extra effort to be grateful!

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