Friday, December 4, 2020

the heart warming tree

Now into December my thoughts are revolving around everything Christmas related.   A number of years ago I searched for a way that would bring more merry to me during the Christmas season, hence a tradition began!  While being "out & about" with friends or on my own, a tree was chosen to dress with a few favourite Christmas decorations.  There would be lots of time spent sipping, snacking, singing and savouring sights. When it was time to get on with the day, the decorations were removed from the heart warming tree and brought back home now holding a little more meaning.   

In a setting like this I feel happiness in my heart!   

This collage represents numerous years of bringing more merry to Christmas.  These photos ignited the inspiration for my heart warming tree scene.  For this sketch I used bristol smooth surface paper which is a surface I am liking more and more each time I use it.  The colours are a mix of Prismacolor Premier and Goldfaber.  The finished product measures 8.5 inches by 11 inches.

1 comment:

  1. I've always enkjoyed seeing where you decorate the tree, This sketch is, to me, just perfect.


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