Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Hello December (as I see it on paper)

I like when I get to use my white gel pen because it means I am incorporating the look of snow into a sketch!  It's December and that means snow. It's also when the thoughts of Christmas begin to percolate.  A couple of weeks ago, I sketched a version of this scene using India Ink.  While I liked the outcome of that project, I thought it would look pretty in colour.  I did not want to replicate the identical scene so made some tweaks when it came time to lay it in colour.  Since it's December and the Christmas season is upon us, I went for this look!  For my friends who backcountry ski, I know they "look for a line".  I shared this sketch on a social media site with the caption "looking for a line to make the last run down before tucking in for the night"!  

Hello December!


  1. Hello December! You are so talented and are surrounded by so much beauty to inspire you.

    1. Thank You Helen! There is inspiration everywhere I look, I feel fortunate for that!

  2. Very nice! I finally found your new blog. :)

    1. Glad you located me! I was lost for a little while thanks to google!


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