Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Nose Hill Environmental Park March 30, 2021
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Inglewood Bird Sanctuary March 28, 2021

Friday, March 26, 2021
urban nature
I lived the urban lifestyle this week gathering kilometres each day towards the virtual challenge. After last weeks escape south to Waterton Lakes National Park, I felt quite content to drive city roads rather than hit the highway. We will see how long the contentment lasts. My urban hikes have a renewed purpose these days and that is witnessing spring in the making. The birds are returning to our city, the ice and snow are melting, wildlife is waking and the spring snow storms are a sure sign of spring!
After seeing two robins up on Nose Hill, I knew it was time to return to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. While strolling around, snapping a few shots, a gentleman asked did I see anything interesting or have any success, to which I replied, "not really"! That was what I felt at that second in time, but once I loaded my photos at home, I realized I saw lots that was interesting and had much success. My favourite photo of the day was the one in the bottom right of the first collage of the chickadee flicking the snow. I also saw a northern flicker, a robin, and a european starling.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Alps to Ocean Virtual Challenge Progress March 21, 2021
Before I report on my Alps to Ocean progress, I have to let you know my medal for The Cabot Trail Virtual Challenge arrived a few days ago. From photos I saw and stories I read, I already knew it would be nice. As it turns out, it is leaps and bounds above being just nice! The ribbon, the weight, the detail, the size, the front, the back, even the packaging, absolutely everything about this medal is quality! It now hangs on my grid board with a few of my favourite sketches.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Waterton Lakes National Park March 18, 2021
After checking out and heading back to reality, I returned to a few of my favourite Waterton spots to capture the early morning light. The parking lot at Middle Waterton Lake was open and was a great spot to witness the start of a gorgeous day. Once again the sunrise was not spectacular but the aftermath sure was.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Waterton Lakes National Park March 17, 2021
At this time of year in Waterton Lakes National Park, locations to hike are very limited due to avalanche conditions. Before booking this escape I verified there would be sufficient places to explore to make for a worthwhile, rewarding and fulfilling getaway. My verification proved positive with finding enough to fill the hours.
Today was a triple pleasure day!
It's a mere five minute walk to the shore of Waterton Lake from my suite. I timed it to arrive before sunrise with hopes of seeing something spectacular. There was not a cloud in the sky which meant a lack-lustre show. The alpenglow presentation made up in tenfold though. This is Crandell Mountain and the rounded Bears Hump attached to the left of it glowing and reflecting.
I arrived at the summit of Bears Hump to an amazing view. The sun felt warm yet there was still a nip in the air and a very slight breeze. While most of the townsite is open for walking around, the far end of Evergreen Ave is closed along with the area west of Cameron Creek and south of Cameron Falls. Cameron Falls are open to view. As you can see in the right of the photo, that whole stretch is avalanche terrain and the concerns for it to go were high.
A hop, skip and a jump back down the road towards the townsite is the turnoff for the Akamina Parkway. Like the Red Rock Parkway this road is also closed in winter yet much further down the road is where the barricade is at Little Prairie Parking Lot. It has been years since I was along this road. It had been closed due to the fire in 2017 and since then loads of work was completed. Even the Little Prairie Day Use parking area is expanded and improved so much more user friendly during winter months.