Tuesday, June 25, 2024

blend in + don't move + patience = pay off

I mentioned in a previous post that I have lots to learn when it comes to birds!  Since 2021, I have taken four online courses that I completed, passed the tests and received a certificate for each.  There are many more courses to take but I have been putting off taking them not wanting the additional time sitting at the computer.  Maybe one rainy day or through a winter blizzard I will take time and invest the hours needed. 

I learned today while "out & about" that the bird activity I was watching was not necessarily what I thought it was. A fellow who I chat with often at the different places I go, shared some of his knowledge with me.  So, I am a little further ahead but still have lots to learn. 

What I learned quite some time ago was that I need to have patience (which is not my forte), I need to blend in with the surroundings (I have my birding outfits) and I need to just stand still (I want to be on the go).  Two out of the three for me take work!  I worked at those today and the work paid off! 

High above in a tree, I heard continuous chirping!  I found where the song was coming from!  A very tiny hole had this head peeking out.  I watched.....

.....I listened!  

I waited, then the Mom Downy Woodpecker appeared to answer the call! 

Chirping of a different tune came from another hole high in another tree!  I spotted this Baby Northern Flicker calling out for food!  No one came but the call was being answered by another Northern Flicker in another tree across the way.  I thought, time to move on then maybe Mom will fly by.

Warbler Watching!  There is an abundance of Yellow Warblers to watch this season.   They are so easy to spot.  Off and on throughout this morning, bright yellow flashes caught my eye.  I came away with many photos of them.  These are my favourites.

I remembered where that nest was and I went back to check on it.  I blended in with the surroundings, I stayed still leaning against a tree, I practiced patience and then I held my breathe when the Mom Yellow Warbler flew in with treats for her babies.  I breathed again and then my heart melted!

Cooling off on a hot morning!  Once again, I stood in one spot, did not move for many many many moments and then the Warbler came to splish splash!  Practicing patience paid off!  

I was on the move along a trail by the river when this Pelican was on the move above me.  I was not camera ready for what happened next.  It swooped down to the edge of the river and grabbed something, I am assuming a fish.   
This is what I captured by the time I was camera ready.
The Pelican is enjoying a big snack.  

Today seemed like a feeding frenzy for all.  I have been ignoring the Black-Capped Chickadees lately but I could not pass up snapping a shot of this little cutie when it stopped on the tree right beside me. 

Keeping my eyes open and investigating areas when there is lots of activity, I spied a tail sticking out of a nest high in a tree.  The tail looked like a tail I saw before.  
Then just like that, this Eastern Kingbird landed on a tree close by me.  I knew that tail!  This told me it was time to move on as there was precious cargo in the area.  I look forward to seeing a Baby Kingbird or two or three in the near future.  

Snack time for the Baby Robin even though the Baby is now bigger than its parent!

These two House Finches were entertaining!  I waited until they stopped doing what they were doing then snapped this photograph.  From what I was seeing, I thought the Male House Finch was feeding the Baby.  The lesson I learned today was this was courting behaviour.  I thought all that was over with and it was all about the babies now but that is not necessarily the case. 

This was what they were doing!  I watched for a lengthy time as it continued and then I thought enough is enough I need to get on with my day, you continue doing what your doing and they did as I walked away!  

What a day!  This is only a fraction of what I witnessed!  I know all this courting and baby watching will soon come to an end so I am taking full advantage to enjoy it all while it lasts.  I like to think I am becoming a more well rounded human with making great strides in practicing patience, thank you to the birds! 


  1. Well it looks like some patience and stillness certainly paid off for you! Great photos and videos. ❤️ Norma

    1. Thank You! Staying still in the woods these days requires lots of bug spray!

  2. I found an elderly friend sitting on a creek bank one day. I asked her what she was doing. She said if you sit still in one place the birds will fly by. I've never forgotten that.

    1. Awww! There is a gentleman that I see every so often at the birding places, he takes a lawn chair and settles into it at specific locations instead of walking around the parks. I bet he sees more than I do!

  3. What an exceptional and beautiful morning you had.

  4. Hello,
    You had a great bird watching outing, your patience paid off. A great variety, I love the Downy Woodpecker and the Flicker. The Yellow Warbler is a beauty. The White Pelican is a favorite too. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

    1. It is a treat seeing the Pelicans, they do not stick around this area for very long.

  5. So much activity! Sounds like a perfect day in nature.


    1. Thank You for dropping by and leaving your comment. At times it felt like activity overload with bird songs coming at me from all directions! Perfect it was!


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