Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Neustift, Austria June 11, 2024

Yesterday was a great “save the day” practice day!  I would get to fine tune it today! Today I hiked with a couple from London, England who I met at breakfast and dinner while sitting in our dining area.  They are here through the same company as me yet their tour began two days before mine.  We both decided on the same hike for today, they invited me to join them. 

Our stay here includes local bus rides.  We took the bus 15 minutes down the road to catch the Schlick 2000 Cable Car up the mountain side.  I snapped this photo while walking the five minutes to the bus stop. The clouds were very low with a chance of rain in the forecast.
The mountain top was socked in with cloud and fog.  
That’s the cable car station as we hiked away from it.
the structure marking the start of the trail
She snapped this shot of me while her husband continued up the trail. We carried on a bit further then took a break and chatted about whether to continue on.  I was game to pass on hiking any further as were they. It was raining, there were no views, the trail was muddy and we had enough after about an hour and a half. 
He captured this photo of her and I going through the gate back to the cable car station.

We hopped on the cable car down. While waiting for the bus to come, he suggested hiking back to Neustift along a trail rather than take the bus.  He suggested it would take about two hours after reviewing maps. Her and I were on board.  The rain was just a slight drizzle down at this level.  We had snacks then geared back up and off we went.  We now had views!

An hour into the hike back, we came to the new suspension bridge.  I spied it with my zoom lens at full zoom, from my balcony.  There is a new staircase up to a viewing platform before reaching the bridge.
view down to Neustift from the platform 
I can actually see my balcony when I zoom in.
she is ahead of me on the bridge
on the suspension bridge 
getting closer to my home away from home 


We completed the descent and exited the forest.

We had a few streets to walk along back to our resort.

spotted this license plate on a garage door 

Dinner could not come soon enough!  I forgot what I ordered for the appetizer, main course and desert. I had salad first with bread, then my appetizer, then this came. Every dinner has been nicely presented and so delicious.
The same can be said about the deserts!

Now I could hardly wait to get back to my room, change into the provided robe and slippers and sit out on my balcony for a little more fresh air before calling it a night!


  1. How very fortunate you met this couple and was able to get in a great adventure despite the weather! And what are the chances of an Alberta license plate???? ❤️ Norma

    1. They were from London, England, same age as me, retired at the same time and they travel the world!


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