Friday, October 23, 2020

snow is everywhere

"Oh the weather outside is frightful" and while it is I am opting to stick closer to home.  Yet, my heart is where the snow is!  After learning a few lessons related to winter sketching, I packaged the lessons together and created this inviting scene.  I used visions of my own and incorporated ideas from tutorials switching up layouts and colours and this is the package I have to present.  After completing this project then photographing it, I realized I now need to learn how to sketch ice.  A full open running creek does not fit in with the middle of winter.  As this was a practice piece, I did not use the good quality paper.   I now feel I am ready to try my hand at replicating one of my own inviting winter photographs!  

These days here, there is snow everywhere even in my home!  Snowflakes that is!  I love how each flake out in nature is so delicate and unique. They are intricate and to sketch one takes a steady hand laying the details down on paper. I added a new tool to my stash, it is an artist pen of black permanent ink with a size medium tip.  It was used in the building of each of these snowflakes.

While I am still waiting until I can physically escape west to the big winter wonderland, I went there in my mind with these sketches.  Getting lost in the detail of the snowflakes is an escape on its own.     

1 comment:

  1. Just lovely. You are making so much progress! Leslie Gerin posted images of Banff this morning. Glorious!


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