Monday, June 7, 2021

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary June 7, 2021

The Canada Geese have exited the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary! What a pleasant morning that made for being able to stroll the trails with no fear of being attacked.  The only place I spotted a handful of them was along the edge of the Bow River where it has breached the marshlands.  The Sanctuary was a happening place while I was there! The ducks and birds were going about their morning business.  Here a baby, there a baby, everywhere a baby, baby!  They were in abundance!  I had great success with sightings and shooting!

young common goldeneye
oh they grow up quickly
male house finch

yellow warbler

mallard duckling

Canada goose and goslings

wood duck with ducklings

young common goldeneye

female & male american wigeons

male common merganser
common merganser & ducklings underneath her

male blue winged teal

female wood duck
what big eyes you have

male wood duck



  1. Lovely, lovely images of these local birds.
    I enjoyed taking photos of black swans and their goslings on the weekend. My standard of image nowhere near as clever as yours.

  2. WOW is all I can say!!!! Norma


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