Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Pearce Estates & Inglewood Bird Sanctuary June 23, 2021

For the past while I had success driving the Deerfoot during morning rush hour but this morning the experience was rattling my nerves so I aborted the highway at the next exit.  That meant I had to perform a "save the day" as I merged onto 17th.  I didn't really want to go back to the bird sanctuary so soon, so I took a right to Pearce Estates.  

I felt a bit blue letting Deerfoot get the better of me, but that feeling soon passed when I began seeing bluer than blue everywhere.  Seeing a pretty bouquet of flowers is always a welcome sight!

After checking out Harvie Passage, I then took to the dirt trails throughout The Estates.
following alongside a creek
a mini waterfalls
chairs of blue
With more pep in my step to put to use, I decided to head south from Pearce Estates and go back to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.  The pathway leads straight to there and I preferred this pathway over the path that heads to city centre.  
My belief that things happen for a reason was confirmed when I arrived at The Sanctuary to see two fawns with their Mom.  I was told on Monday they had arrived yet were being sheltered.  Today they came out to explore their new world.  They were a bit shaky as they made their way through the grass.  
The views were stunning this morning.  See the deer on the trail?
These are two of the numerous birds I spotted:
-Eastern Kingbird
-Common Grackle
a muskrat feeding on the grass
After time spent meandering about the Bird Sanctuary, I hit the trail back to The Estates.

This morning's "out & about" was not in the plan but I am thankful for how it turned out.


  1. Everything happens for a reason & your “blue” day turned out amazing! Norma

    1. And I thought orange was my favourite colour!!!

  2. An absolutely perfect right turn! The green, the wildlife, the clouds, just magical. The image of the fawn feeding from its mother, wouldn't be captured very often. Marvellous.


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